Well Ryan woke me up this morning wondering what plan we were going to go with. Since we were unsure about when Dawson would be transferred to U of M I told him to go ahead and go in, and I was going to go to work too. I was tired, cranky (stupid phone alarm didn't go off again so I missed TWO pumps...GrRRR I need to find a new system!) and stressed but trying not to think about it.
No sooner than I rolled into work my phone rang and I got to talk to Sarah. She asked if I could leave work because I would need to come to the hospital and do consent forms. Then I talked to Dr. Karna who told me to wait, They were going to transfer him today but didn't know what time. So I packed up my pumping stuff and went to the nursing room and called Sarah back. Her and I just both chatted a minuite reeling about how fast it all seemed to go downhill. He went from Stable on Monday to soo sick so fast. These roller coaster NICU days are just so hard, I wouldn't wish them on ANYONE. We made a plan that we would re-evaluate at my 1030 pump and decided that if I hadn't heard from her by then I was going to leave and just go spend time with Dawson.
About 15 mins later she called back. U of M had called and was planning on airlifting to come get him this morning. I left work (which by the way, is amazing. SO understanding!!) and headed over. I got a good 2 hours with him just holding his hand and talking to him.
They had to move him to a conventional vent for the transfer but he tolerated it so well, as well as the transfer. The transfer isolette kind of looks like a microwave stacked on a gourney, but it did the trick. Dawson is relatively settled. His levels are a bit worse than they were at Sparrow, but they are working on that. We should know tomorrow when his surgery is granting he passes all infection screens and remains stable.
We appreciate your continued support and prayers, please God grant us the strength to be there for our baby and place our faith that You have this in your hands. Lord please grant the NICU nurses and cardiovascular team the knowledge and wisdom they need to have a successful surgery and recovery. Lord please place your hands on Dawson and keep him strong and healthy, and bring him home to us soon. In Your name we pray, Amen.
**Also, I want to apologize because I know a lot of you are pacing the halls waiting for updates from us and the information us just not coming fast enough. Everything is at that point where it is so hard right now, and Ryan and I are so exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and every bit of strength we can muster we are pouring into Dawson to let him know that we LOVE him and are strong for him. Please be patient with us as we know you are all waiting and while we appreciate your care and concern, we are just not able to relay the information as we are getting it, especially because at this point...nothing is definite. Please continue to pray for Dawson, Ryan and I. THANK YOU!!
at least it's cool that dawson had his first helicopter ride :)
i was thinking about you today. hopefully he'll be getting the surgery soon and on his way to recovery and coming back home to your hospital! keep us updated
I'll be praying for Dawson and checking back for updates. I hope he gets the surgery he needs and gets better fast.
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