They immediately moved me to a delivery room and determined that I would be having Dawson TODAY. Ryan and I were both a little panicked, but that staff was great in explaining what we were doing and why. They then had to break my water, but the minute the bag was out of the way, my cervix retracted and they then had to wait for me to re-dialate. Thennnnn I wasn;t getting there fast enough and when Dawson's heart rate began to decline, they decided a c-section was imminent.
We moved into the delivery room and they gave me my drugs, and Dawson arrived at 10:36am, at 1lb 11oz, 12 inches long. After they got him stabilized in the delivery room they were able to move him over to the RNICU, where he will probably stay until his original due date.
They are pretty optimistic in their diagnosis. At this point Dawson is doing well, but we are just taking it one day at a time, and taking all the prayers we can get.
They still do not know what sent me into labor, they did send my placenta to the NICU for additional testing as well. They say may we never know or we might find out, they are just not to sure.
Right now DH and I are just overwhelmed. Raw at the emotions of the unknown and just praying and hoping for the best. I am going crazy from racking my brain about what I didnt see, or may have done wrong, and at the amount of worry that I have for someone so small and new to me. But now my heart beats for him, and I know that he is my world from this moment on. Just please pray, at the safe arrival HOME for our son, whenever that may be.
A lurker from the bump, I'll be praying for your sweet babe.
I'll be praying for your baby! I'm glad to hear the hospital had some encouraging things to say about him!! Hope you recover quickly and get to spend the time w/ him that he needs!! Good luck!
Hey, it's Amigosa from thenest. Sabrina told me about your little guy ariving so early when it happened and I have been praying for you every since. I was in shock when she told be because our due dates were only 4 day apart. I am so glad to hear that the doctors are giving him such a good report. Now how are you feeling? Seriously, if you need anything and I do mean anything, please let me know! I would even love to bring you dinner or something. I know that you are going to be one busy mommy! You can email me, message me on the local board or even let Sabrina know. I will continue my prayers.
hi it's johnsoar from the bump and from the July mom's e-mail group. I just saw today that Dawson was born last week. I pray that he is getting stronger everyday and that you get to bring him home when he is nice and strong!
I read about your little guy on Amigosa's blog. I'll hope and pray that he continues to get stronger. Hugs for you and your hubby in this difficult, stressful time!!!
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