Monday, April 13, 2009

Update- 4/11- 4/13 am

Well there have not been a whole lot of changes in Mr. Dawson. We have been visiting Dawson in the NICU everyday, and we spoke with the Dr. last on Sat, otherwise we usually just get little updates from his nurses. On Sat. Dr. Karna confirmed that Dawson had completed his 2nd round of Indocine (? that is the medicine that will be closing the duct in his heart). There were going to be doing an Echo today (4/13/09) to see if the duct had closed a bit. Now I had been told previously that the duct was appearing to close, but Dr. Karna did not bring that up. I am hoping she did so just to save my hopes from getting to high.

His lungs are looking good, and no longer requiring an additional steroid, however he is still on the Oscillator. He oxygen levels are being adjusted daily, Dawson just cannot decide where he wants to be. One moment he is low stating, and they have to turn it up, next minute he is high-stating. He is really giving the nurses a run for their money.

Dawson had is 2nd ultrasound on his brain, which revealed no hemorrhaging...YAY!

The Dr. did report that they had their first "skid mark" last Tuesday, so they would be feeding the gut some colostrum today to see how the intestines would handle.

His jaundice levels are down and stable, so now he will be off the light therapy for 12 hours during the day, but on for the 12 hours at night. His weight is fluctuation between 1 lb 7oz and 1 lb 9 oz. each day, so no major weight loss like they see in full term babies. He also finished his round of antibiotics and they have found no signs of infection so they will not be continuing those.

On SAt and Sunday, Mr Dawson was wearing a bootie on his cute! I swiped it up yesterday when he wasn't wearing it, along with his first hat so that I can put them in a shadow box. Ryan and I did get to witness his first and second round of the hiccups on Sat. and Sun, so cute...but they look a tad bit painful on such a little guy.

Sunday when we went up there, he was laying on his belly for the first time, diaper off and everything just enjoying the breeze =) Our little boy enjoys being spread eagle and nakkie! He has been responding to Ryan and I a lot, with kicking and finger holding.

I am a bit stressed today, I called our HR department, and found out that while my recovery leave will be paid in 100% up to 6 weeks. I only have 12 weeks total between both leaves. So whatever time I take now for myself to recover, takes away from the amount of time I will have with my son when he gets to come home. Also, when I take my personal leave to be with my son at home, chances are that is going to exhaust all of my personal time, and then the difference will remain unpaid under FMLA. Which stinks because then should anything happen when I go back to work, and I need a day off or whatnot it will be unpaid and my boss will technically have the option to fire me. EEK! So I will be working on that in the near future.


Unknown said...

What a blessing you have! Dawson is a fighter and we are thanking God for the progress he has made this far and will continue to pray for all of you. Good job on the updates, keep em rolling!

As far as the job goes . . . does your company have anything where maybe other employees can donate their vacation time to you? You should surely ask about it. I know that in the military, when something happens out of our control, others military members can donate even an hour to you, just something to think about. In time, everything will be ok. Know that you are truely loved!

Amber said...

sounds like Dawson is doing great! I hope he continues to improve.