Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day #4

So today is good day # 4 IN A ROW!! WEWT WEWT! Stats and oxygen have all been good, Dawson got his fancy new picc line today and they are doing an Xray tomorrow morning to review his belly. If all looks well they will start feeding him again tomorrow...still at 1ml every 6 hours.

Also- we found out tonight that our 2 FAVORITE nurses (ahem ahem...Sarah and Colleen) have both signed up to follow Dawson. Which means any day they work from here on out...they are assigned to our little man. It just melts my heart to see those girls fall in love with him as much as I have...well actually probably not even close to as much but you get my drift. The ladies are chasing our little man already. In all honesty though, these girls are great! They are excellent at making sure Ryan and I are informed and know what is going on, and actually understand it. They have already proved themselves to be wonderful liasons in making sure that Ryan and I are getting our questions answered, promptly, and are great at translating everything into layman's terms for us.

We got to see Kathy again today, who was the nurse that did Dawson's transport. Talk about a sweet lady. She even went hunting alllll around the NICU to find my little guy a bink since he has been chewing on his tube a lot. They got it in his mouth (it's a little crammed with the tube and the bink in there) but man, he was sucking on that thing for dear life. He can already get it back in when it pops out!! Love him!

Roughly hard to see...the White tube on his arm is his picc line, which will now be 1 central location for all things going in and out (except air, food and well...#1 or 2 LOL) In his mouth is the tube and bink.

Same shot...bink, tube & picc line. He is wearing the Sunglasses for the Jaundice light, and the hat keeps the sunglasses in place. Except now that Dawson has a free hand ( 1 hand with no IV) he thinks its funny to move his hat and sunglasses over his ear and nose. Little stinker!

Ryan and I with Dawson's isolette

See that teeny tiny speck at the end of my fingertip...that would be Dawson's belly button...It's an innie! (Please excuse the iodine arm and flaky skin, they were cleaning up from the picc line and monitors when we got there and we booted them out!) He is usually so fresh and clean! I looooove the way he smells.

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