Well Ryan woke me up this morning wondering what plan we were going to go with. Since we were unsure about when Dawson would be transferred to U of M I told him to go ahead and go in, and I was going to go to work too. I was tired, cranky (stupid phone alarm didn't go off again so I missed TWO pumps...GrRRR I need to find a new system!) and stressed but trying not to think about it.
No sooner than I rolled into work my phone rang and I got to talk to Sarah. She asked if I could leave work because I would need to come to the hospital and do consent forms. Then I talked to Dr. Karna who told me to wait, They were going to transfer him today but didn't know what time. So I packed up my pumping stuff and went to the nursing room and called Sarah back. Her and I just both chatted a minuite reeling about how fast it all seemed to go downhill. He went from Stable on Monday to soo sick so fast. These roller coaster NICU days are just so hard, I wouldn't wish them on ANYONE. We made a plan that we would re-evaluate at my 1030 pump and decided that if I hadn't heard from her by then I was going to leave and just go spend time with Dawson.
About 15 mins later she called back. U of M had called and was planning on airlifting to come get him this morning. I left work (which by the way, is amazing. SO understanding!!) and headed over. I got a good 2 hours with him just holding his hand and talking to him.
They had to move him to a conventional vent for the transfer but he tolerated it so well, as well as the transfer. The transfer isolette kind of looks like a microwave stacked on a gourney, but it did the trick. Dawson is relatively settled. His levels are a bit worse than they were at Sparrow, but they are working on that. We should know tomorrow when his surgery is granting he passes all infection screens and remains stable.
We appreciate your continued support and prayers, please God grant us the strength to be there for our baby and place our faith that You have this in your hands. Lord please grant the NICU nurses and cardiovascular team the knowledge and wisdom they need to have a successful surgery and recovery. Lord please place your hands on Dawson and keep him strong and healthy, and bring him home to us soon. In Your name we pray, Amen.
**Also, I want to apologize because I know a lot of you are pacing the halls waiting for updates from us and the information us just not coming fast enough. Everything is at that point where it is so hard right now, and Ryan and I are so exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and every bit of strength we can muster we are pouring into Dawson to let him know that we LOVE him and are strong for him. Please be patient with us as we know you are all waiting and while we appreciate your care and concern, we are just not able to relay the information as we are getting it, especially because at this point...nothing is definite. Please continue to pray for Dawson, Ryan and I. THANK YOU!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Paperbag::Breath in::Breath out::
DH and I went up to visit Dawson tonight, happy to hear that Colleen was back on after a rough night with a couple of the nurses. There was a different Dr. on tonight, and to be honest I cannot even remember his name. But he came up to give us a "bedside update" as they call it.
Today when I asked Colleen if they were still feeding him, she had told me that they stopped feeding him during the day today because of the amount of residual in his belly (meaning his belly was not passing all the milk through) and they confirmed this via xray. But she was a bit vaugue in regards the whole Xray, but I didn't even question it. Then when the Dr. came over we found out why. Apparently in the Xray today, Dawson's PDA duct (The hole in his heart) has managed to re-open. And because of the aforementioned concern with his kidneys they cannot issue another round of indocine.
Ann Arbor...here we come.
Today when I asked Colleen if they were still feeding him, she had told me that they stopped feeding him during the day today because of the amount of residual in his belly (meaning his belly was not passing all the milk through) and they confirmed this via xray. But she was a bit vaugue in regards the whole Xray, but I didn't even question it. Then when the Dr. came over we found out why. Apparently in the Xray today, Dawson's PDA duct (The hole in his heart) has managed to re-open. And because of the aforementioned concern with his kidneys they cannot issue another round of indocine.
Ann Arbor...here we come.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Rough day
So today is my last day in the free world, as I am going back to work tomorrow. And while I feel great in regards to my health, when I think about not having the freedom to see my baby (and right to sleep ;D) It makes me sad. Le sigh.
I was able to go see Dawson twice today, and I cannot say that today is ranked very high on my list. My little wiggle worm managed to extubate himself today, which gave the nurse a run for her money. His levels were still okay, and his biliruben levels are down so he will only have the phototherepy for 12 hours a day now. Over the weekend Dawson's arterial IV line came out, so they put another one in today, and I watched. I didn't want to, being that I hate needles and blood, but I just could not leave him there. He "cried" the whole time, even though he makes no sound, and that hurt so bad. I know when he can cry out loud (which I CANNOT wait to hear) I will not be able to listen to that type of pain, it just hurts your heart. Looks like Daddy will be taking him for shots.
When I went back up in the evening, that stupid line had come out again, which means not only are they going to poke him all night in the heel for his blood gases, they are going to have to do another Arterial IV tomorrow. Uck.
They also are showing some concern with his kidneys, as his urine output is low considering the amount of fluids he is taking in. This is bad because that is more fluid that could potentially back up into his lungs, and it is more fluid for him to process, which is just more work for him.
I put a prayer request in a Riverview Church, and this came back from one of their members. Currently, my favorite prayer.
Heavenly Father be with Dawson as his little lungs(and kidneys) and tiny body continue to develop, and Lord be with the NICU doctors and nurses caring for Dawson. Lord give them wisdom and knowledge as they care for Dawson's needs. Lord I lift up Dawson's family that they will continue to seek you during this time. Lord I ask all this in the name of your son, Amen
Samual 1:27-28, "I asked the Lord to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life."
I was able to go see Dawson twice today, and I cannot say that today is ranked very high on my list. My little wiggle worm managed to extubate himself today, which gave the nurse a run for her money. His levels were still okay, and his biliruben levels are down so he will only have the phototherepy for 12 hours a day now. Over the weekend Dawson's arterial IV line came out, so they put another one in today, and I watched. I didn't want to, being that I hate needles and blood, but I just could not leave him there. He "cried" the whole time, even though he makes no sound, and that hurt so bad. I know when he can cry out loud (which I CANNOT wait to hear) I will not be able to listen to that type of pain, it just hurts your heart. Looks like Daddy will be taking him for shots.
When I went back up in the evening, that stupid line had come out again, which means not only are they going to poke him all night in the heel for his blood gases, they are going to have to do another Arterial IV tomorrow. Uck.
They also are showing some concern with his kidneys, as his urine output is low considering the amount of fluids he is taking in. This is bad because that is more fluid that could potentially back up into his lungs, and it is more fluid for him to process, which is just more work for him.
I put a prayer request in a Riverview Church, and this came back from one of their members. Currently, my favorite prayer.
Heavenly Father be with Dawson as his little lungs(and kidneys) and tiny body continue to develop, and Lord be with the NICU doctors and nurses caring for Dawson. Lord give them wisdom and knowledge as they care for Dawson's needs. Lord I lift up Dawson's family that they will continue to seek you during this time. Lord I ask all this in the name of your son, Amen
Samual 1:27-28, "I asked the Lord to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life."
Weekend Update- 4/25 & 4/26
This weekend was an eventful weekend in our house! (Sat.Part 1 might be TMI for some, please feel free to skip if you like)
Saturday-Part 1- DH and I got up and around, DH was heading to his parent's to spend some time with his dad, and I was going to run around with a friend of mine, we were then going to meet up at the hospital. While I was dilly-dallying around the house and waiting for my friend to call, I was checking out my incision and making sure some swelling due to scar tissue was not getting worse. While I was feeling my scar, I happened to feel what felt like a hole right on the incision. I bent over a bit to take a look, and pushed the skin a little to raise the incision, and it popped like a zit. EW! Then from said hole, it started "draining" Um...yuk! I called the Dr. and they said it sounded normal but to come in so that they could check that the drainage did not contain any infection. So I called Ryan back to go with me. We got to the ER (In the middle of a monsoon might I add) and checked in. They got me into a room rather quickly and swabbed the incision for a culture. My OB was on call so he came down and said it looked okay, but they had to probe it. Now let me describe this process to you. They take a stick about the width of a q-tip, but the length of a straw, and stick it in the hole to see if the under portion (tissue, ute etc) stitches have come away as well. They probe both horizontally and vertically. And it hurts. Like a Bit...well you get the idea, it hurts bad. They gave me an antibiotic and discharge papers...and then all the alarms went off. Well that's just great. So we got out of dodge before it got even more chaotic.
Saturday-Part 2- So DH takes me back home to get around and then goes back to his dad's, we are to meet at the hospital in a few hours. By the time I am down getting around and pumping, the monsoon has started again. Thankfully I am parking in the ramp. I walk in and see Tom (who is a NICU RN, but not for Dawson) and some other nurses that I recognize standing at the lobby cafe. It crosses my mind that "If they are all down here...who is watching Dawson" but I bite my tongue being that I am pretty sure none of them are on Dawson today. I go to the elevators and one of them is stuck half open with a sign on it that says "ElevatorS down" but the other 2 elevators seem to be working so I get in. I get up to the NICU and start scrubbing. Then...the power goes out and it is pitch black. All of a sudden there are nurses and Dr.s everywhere swarming Dawson and checking the oscillator to make sure that it is still running. In passing I hear " Oh good, it stayed running this time"..um what?!?! Then in come the 3 nurses I seen at the cafe stand. Who are all shouting something along the lines of finding my husband. I of course am looking around like "who me? my husband? uhh what?!"
Apparently, this was not the first power outage of the night. Earlier, Sue (Dawson's nurse, who was at the cafe stand by the way, but there a cover nurse) got stuck in the elevator when the power went out, and Dawson's oscillator was not on the correct circuit and went down. They had to use the hand bag to get him oxygen. They got the circuit changed and all set, but when the power went out the second time, the nurses could not get back to the NICU via elevator, so they had to use the staff access elevators. On the way they ran into DH, who trekked up there with them. Ensue chaos. Pshew.
Sunday- My phone rings, and it is the NICU "Oh shit" but Sarah is calling me to tell me...that Dawson opened his eyes!! DH and I get around and head up to the hospital. I checked in with Sarah, and headed over, but they were shut again. Apparently, he opened them and they administered the salve..and they never opened again. So Sarah wanted to try to give him a bath to see if that would help. She washed him down from head to toe..and nothing. (We did discover though...that his hair is somewhat curly when wet...great) Then we moved on to changing the linens, and Sarah let me lift him up to do that while she managed his tube. While I was holding him up and DH was changing his blanket, 1 little peeper came open and checked me out!! After that DH and I managed to poke and prod him long enough to get him to take a look-see around at mom and dad. He was also sticking his tongue out all over and awake. We did go back after dinner too and were able to watch his assessment, which was good. She changed his position and then he started to get fussy and his levels went up, so DH and I took off and let him rest. After checking in a few hours later though, all things were back to normal and stable.

With his Bink...and no...they did not have any other color than purple.

Dawson's bink (left) and Standard size Preemie binky on the right.

With dad.
Saturday-Part 1- DH and I got up and around, DH was heading to his parent's to spend some time with his dad, and I was going to run around with a friend of mine, we were then going to meet up at the hospital. While I was dilly-dallying around the house and waiting for my friend to call, I was checking out my incision and making sure some swelling due to scar tissue was not getting worse. While I was feeling my scar, I happened to feel what felt like a hole right on the incision. I bent over a bit to take a look, and pushed the skin a little to raise the incision, and it popped like a zit. EW! Then from said hole, it started "draining" Um...yuk! I called the Dr. and they said it sounded normal but to come in so that they could check that the drainage did not contain any infection. So I called Ryan back to go with me. We got to the ER (In the middle of a monsoon might I add) and checked in. They got me into a room rather quickly and swabbed the incision for a culture. My OB was on call so he came down and said it looked okay, but they had to probe it. Now let me describe this process to you. They take a stick about the width of a q-tip, but the length of a straw, and stick it in the hole to see if the under portion (tissue, ute etc) stitches have come away as well. They probe both horizontally and vertically. And it hurts. Like a Bit...well you get the idea, it hurts bad. They gave me an antibiotic and discharge papers...and then all the alarms went off. Well that's just great. So we got out of dodge before it got even more chaotic.
Saturday-Part 2- So DH takes me back home to get around and then goes back to his dad's, we are to meet at the hospital in a few hours. By the time I am down getting around and pumping, the monsoon has started again. Thankfully I am parking in the ramp. I walk in and see Tom (who is a NICU RN, but not for Dawson) and some other nurses that I recognize standing at the lobby cafe. It crosses my mind that "If they are all down here...who is watching Dawson" but I bite my tongue being that I am pretty sure none of them are on Dawson today. I go to the elevators and one of them is stuck half open with a sign on it that says "ElevatorS down" but the other 2 elevators seem to be working so I get in. I get up to the NICU and start scrubbing. Then...the power goes out and it is pitch black. All of a sudden there are nurses and Dr.s everywhere swarming Dawson and checking the oscillator to make sure that it is still running. In passing I hear " Oh good, it stayed running this time"..um what?!?! Then in come the 3 nurses I seen at the cafe stand. Who are all shouting something along the lines of finding my husband. I of course am looking around like "who me? my husband? uhh what?!"
Apparently, this was not the first power outage of the night. Earlier, Sue (Dawson's nurse, who was at the cafe stand by the way, but there a cover nurse) got stuck in the elevator when the power went out, and Dawson's oscillator was not on the correct circuit and went down. They had to use the hand bag to get him oxygen. They got the circuit changed and all set, but when the power went out the second time, the nurses could not get back to the NICU via elevator, so they had to use the staff access elevators. On the way they ran into DH, who trekked up there with them. Ensue chaos. Pshew.
Sunday- My phone rings, and it is the NICU "Oh shit" but Sarah is calling me to tell me...that Dawson opened his eyes!! DH and I get around and head up to the hospital. I checked in with Sarah, and headed over, but they were shut again. Apparently, he opened them and they administered the salve..and they never opened again. So Sarah wanted to try to give him a bath to see if that would help. She washed him down from head to toe..and nothing. (We did discover though...that his hair is somewhat curly when wet...great) Then we moved on to changing the linens, and Sarah let me lift him up to do that while she managed his tube. While I was holding him up and DH was changing his blanket, 1 little peeper came open and checked me out!! After that DH and I managed to poke and prod him long enough to get him to take a look-see around at mom and dad. He was also sticking his tongue out all over and awake. We did go back after dinner too and were able to watch his assessment, which was good. She changed his position and then he started to get fussy and his levels went up, so DH and I took off and let him rest. After checking in a few hours later though, all things were back to normal and stable.
With his Bink...and no...they did not have any other color than purple.
Dawson's bink (left) and Standard size Preemie binky on the right.
With dad.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Day #4
So today is good day # 4 IN A ROW!! WEWT WEWT! Stats and oxygen have all been good, Dawson got his fancy new picc line today and they are doing an Xray tomorrow morning to review his belly. If all looks well they will start feeding him again tomorrow...still at 1ml every 6 hours.
Also- we found out tonight that our 2 FAVORITE nurses (ahem ahem...Sarah and Colleen) have both signed up to follow Dawson. Which means any day they work from here on out...they are assigned to our little man. It just melts my heart to see those girls fall in love with him as much as I have...well actually probably not even close to as much but you get my drift. The ladies are chasing our little man already. In all honesty though, these girls are great! They are excellent at making sure Ryan and I are informed and know what is going on, and actually understand it. They have already proved themselves to be wonderful liasons in making sure that Ryan and I are getting our questions answered, promptly, and are great at translating everything into layman's terms for us.
We got to see Kathy again today, who was the nurse that did Dawson's transport. Talk about a sweet lady. She even went hunting alllll around the NICU to find my little guy a bink since he has been chewing on his tube a lot. They got it in his mouth (it's a little crammed with the tube and the bink in there) but man, he was sucking on that thing for dear life. He can already get it back in when it pops out!! Love him!

Roughly hard to see...the White tube on his arm is his picc line, which will now be 1 central location for all things going in and out (except air, food and well...#1 or 2 LOL) In his mouth is the tube and bink.

Same shot...bink, tube & picc line. He is wearing the Sunglasses for the Jaundice light, and the hat keeps the sunglasses in place. Except now that Dawson has a free hand ( 1 hand with no IV) he thinks its funny to move his hat and sunglasses over his ear and nose. Little stinker!

Ryan and I with Dawson's isolette

See that teeny tiny speck at the end of my fingertip...that would be Dawson's belly button...It's an innie! (Please excuse the iodine arm and flaky skin, they were cleaning up from the picc line and monitors when we got there and we booted them out!) He is usually so fresh and clean! I looooove the way he smells.
Also- we found out tonight that our 2 FAVORITE nurses (ahem ahem...Sarah and Colleen) have both signed up to follow Dawson. Which means any day they work from here on out...they are assigned to our little man. It just melts my heart to see those girls fall in love with him as much as I have...well actually probably not even close to as much but you get my drift. The ladies are chasing our little man already. In all honesty though, these girls are great! They are excellent at making sure Ryan and I are informed and know what is going on, and actually understand it. They have already proved themselves to be wonderful liasons in making sure that Ryan and I are getting our questions answered, promptly, and are great at translating everything into layman's terms for us.
We got to see Kathy again today, who was the nurse that did Dawson's transport. Talk about a sweet lady. She even went hunting alllll around the NICU to find my little guy a bink since he has been chewing on his tube a lot. They got it in his mouth (it's a little crammed with the tube and the bink in there) but man, he was sucking on that thing for dear life. He can already get it back in when it pops out!! Love him!
Roughly hard to see...the White tube on his arm is his picc line, which will now be 1 central location for all things going in and out (except air, food and well...#1 or 2 LOL) In his mouth is the tube and bink.
Same shot...bink, tube & picc line. He is wearing the Sunglasses for the Jaundice light, and the hat keeps the sunglasses in place. Except now that Dawson has a free hand ( 1 hand with no IV) he thinks its funny to move his hat and sunglasses over his ear and nose. Little stinker!
Ryan and I with Dawson's isolette
See that teeny tiny speck at the end of my fingertip...that would be Dawson's belly button...It's an innie! (Please excuse the iodine arm and flaky skin, they were cleaning up from the picc line and monitors when we got there and we booted them out!) He is usually so fresh and clean! I looooove the way he smells.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
You know you're a preemie parent when...
If this list looks familiar, you might be a parent of a preemie baby! We have to laugh about it to keep our sanity! :)
You know you're a preemie parent when...
*You measure everything in cc's
*Luxury = sleeping three hours in a row
*You can change your baby's diaper with one hand
*In the course of the same day, you have wanted to slap and bear hug the same NICU nurse
*You feel a secret pull of jealousy when one of your friends delivers full term
*You have gotten a rash on your hands from washing with hot water and the NICU soap... eight times in one day
*The statement "breastfeeding is simple and natural" makes you laugh -- or cry, depending on the day and the hour.
*Your baby has ever outgrown an outfit... while s/he was wearing it.
*You cry when you're happy, laugh when you're mad, and throw things across the room when you're sad.
*You could drive the route from your house to the hospital in your sleep... and maybe you have.
*You can't remember what you talked about before feeding schedules, diapers, and growth charts.
*You're more interested in your baby's diaper than the State of the Union
*Your idea of a vacation is walking outside to get the mail
*When someone offers you their hand to shake, you think twice, envisioning the germs that you might take home from them
*The sound of your baby crying is beautiful, not annoying.
*While everyone else coos, "He's so tiny!" your six-pound baby looks huge to you.
*Your heart almost bursts with love at least once a day
*You would climb to the top of Mt. Everest, barefoot, if it would help your baby to grow healthier, bigger, or stronger.
*You not only know what "bilirubin" is, you have had several extensive conversations about it.
*You never knew how grateful you could feel that your baby has gained an ounce.
*You know where all the vending machines are on your floor of the hospital... and which ones have the good snacks.
*You literally live your life one hour at a time.
*The security guard at the front door of the hospital just waves you in when he sees you.
*You are grateful for the smallest things now -- a shower, clean socks, a meal that you didn't have to cook, a friend who has a whole conversation with you without offering you any useless advice.
*When someone asks you what scent you're wearing, you say "Germ-X" without batting an eye.
*Your baby's first diaper is really a maxipad that says Pampers and has tiny tabs on it.
*The first time you changed your baby's diaper you had to wonder where his butt was.
*You had to give up your shower today to make time to read this list.
You know you're a preemie parent when...
*You measure everything in cc's
*Luxury = sleeping three hours in a row
*You can change your baby's diaper with one hand
*In the course of the same day, you have wanted to slap and bear hug the same NICU nurse
*You feel a secret pull of jealousy when one of your friends delivers full term
*You have gotten a rash on your hands from washing with hot water and the NICU soap... eight times in one day
*The statement "breastfeeding is simple and natural" makes you laugh -- or cry, depending on the day and the hour.
*Your baby has ever outgrown an outfit... while s/he was wearing it.
*You cry when you're happy, laugh when you're mad, and throw things across the room when you're sad.
*You could drive the route from your house to the hospital in your sleep... and maybe you have.
*You can't remember what you talked about before feeding schedules, diapers, and growth charts.
*You're more interested in your baby's diaper than the State of the Union
*Your idea of a vacation is walking outside to get the mail
*When someone offers you their hand to shake, you think twice, envisioning the germs that you might take home from them
*The sound of your baby crying is beautiful, not annoying.
*While everyone else coos, "He's so tiny!" your six-pound baby looks huge to you.
*Your heart almost bursts with love at least once a day
*You would climb to the top of Mt. Everest, barefoot, if it would help your baby to grow healthier, bigger, or stronger.
*You not only know what "bilirubin" is, you have had several extensive conversations about it.
*You never knew how grateful you could feel that your baby has gained an ounce.
*You know where all the vending machines are on your floor of the hospital... and which ones have the good snacks.
*You literally live your life one hour at a time.
*The security guard at the front door of the hospital just waves you in when he sees you.
*You are grateful for the smallest things now -- a shower, clean socks, a meal that you didn't have to cook, a friend who has a whole conversation with you without offering you any useless advice.
*When someone asks you what scent you're wearing, you say "Germ-X" without batting an eye.
*Your baby's first diaper is really a maxipad that says Pampers and has tiny tabs on it.
*The first time you changed your baby's diaper you had to wonder where his butt was.
*You had to give up your shower today to make time to read this list.
Well just a short update today. Dawson is doing well, still no sign of infection and he is down to 21% oxygen (room quality). He was a good boy for Sarah today, and had Daddy and I cracking up. He was making all sorts of faces, yawning and even sucking on his feeding tube, which makes him look like he is chewing gum. He is getting closer to opening his eyes, we thought for sure they were going to pop open today when he yawned they were stretched so tight. We are also sure that we got to see his crying face today. It is so sweet because the emotion is all there across his face, and the mouth is wide open, but no sound comes out (his vent tube goes btwn the vocal chords..so no sound). All in all today was great day #2.
We did see Dr. Karna today, who has sent us on a wild goose chase for some sort of crib music player that doesn't cost a fortune, since that is very soothing for the babies, and that way he can hear something other than the vent for the next 3.5-4 months.
We also got his footprints back today, only to find out that his delivering Dr. did not sign the birth record, so we have to go get that signed at his office in Dewitt as well. Another goose chase.
No pictures today...Daddy forgot the camera...OOPS!
We did see Dr. Karna today, who has sent us on a wild goose chase for some sort of crib music player that doesn't cost a fortune, since that is very soothing for the babies, and that way he can hear something other than the vent for the next 3.5-4 months.
We also got his footprints back today, only to find out that his delivering Dr. did not sign the birth record, so we have to go get that signed at his office in Dewitt as well. Another goose chase.
No pictures today...Daddy forgot the camera...OOPS!
Monday, April 20, 2009
2 things I forgot!
1- Dawson is up to 1lb 13 oz...YAY!
2- I have been fortunate enough to meet a GREAT group of women that have all been through the struggles of having a preemie in the NICU. One woman in particular also had her son Aaron at 24 weeks 6 days, only 2 weeks before Dawson arrived. Unfortunately her son is having surgery tomorrow in order to close the duct (PDA) in his heart. Please keep little Aaron in your prayers tomorrow!
2- I have been fortunate enough to meet a GREAT group of women that have all been through the struggles of having a preemie in the NICU. One woman in particular also had her son Aaron at 24 weeks 6 days, only 2 weeks before Dawson arrived. Unfortunately her son is having surgery tomorrow in order to close the duct (PDA) in his heart. Please keep little Aaron in your prayers tomorrow!
Well not to much has been going on since my last post, hence the lack of updates. Dawson had a pretty quiet Saturday, moderately low oxygen levels and a sleeeeepy day. I did find his ticklish spot...right below the ribs! and he got a bath, but again, not to crazy. The heat lamp came back because his bili (jaundice) levels were creeping back up there.
Sunday he had an okay day, levels were a bit higher but he was maintaining well. By the time I checked in agian wtih the night nurse, he was up to 80% and the blood gases were getting worse (these check how the oxygen is being tolerated by the body. Shows cell and platetlet counts). This was around 11pm. I called again when I got up to pump around 1:30 am and he was up to 100% oxygen (BAD!) and still was receiving poor blood gases. The nurse and I were both getting frusterated, because it seems that Dawson was not happy, but they could not figure out why. Needless to say I did not sleep well, and checked in again around 4am. He was back down to 80% and the gases were improving. They did a chest Xray and while there was not a drastic improvement from last week, it helped them make some minor changes that could help my lil guy out.
This morning Sarah (our favorite nurse) was back so I called her this morning. Dawson was slowly weaning back down on the oxygen and Dr. Karna was going to do other Xrays to keep a close eye on him. They were also bringing in another infection specialist. To me, this was redundent because all of Dawson's cultures were coming back negative, so I didn't understand why they couldn't move on. Turns out, Dawson was showing all signs of an infection..without the infection. They still came back negative today, but they did decide to pull Dawson's belly IV lines and go with IV's in his hands. A little bit more invasive, but the lines in the belly were no longer giving them the results they needed. Dawson will have these for approx 48 hours until they can make sure an infection doesn't show up now with the belly lines being moved. Then we can proceed to the picc line. YAY! This will basically be 1 central IV line for everything except oxygen and food. Unfortunately, Dawson is considered to be in critical condition again, but at least they are getting somewhere today.
They also did a blood transfusion and removed the heat lamp again today. They are back to 12 hours on...12 hours off. By 4:00 today when we visited, Dawson was back down to 30% oxygen and sleeping. His eyes are thisclose to opening, we cannnnnot wait! The Dr.s feel that they have a better hang on why Dawson is having these unstable episodes, 1 in part to the breathing tube movement. Unfortunately they are having to introduce some sedatives, because Dawson just wiggles too much and the tube then gets moved out of place. We are also back on restricted touching, we can just hold his hand, bottom or cup his legs so he feels cuddled. No stroking or tickling, because it makes him to excited. If these episodes continue, we may have to do a short course of steroids to help him out a bit. But for today, he was restful, and did the best with Ryan, myself and Sarah were at his bedside. Dr. Karna joked that none of us were going to be allowed to go home, and I am unsure how I feel about Dawson picking a girlfriend so soon =)
Dear Lord, we thank you for the time you have granted us so far with our precious son, and we pray for his continued growth and development. Please help his lungs continue to grow strong, and help him grow into a strong man of God. I am begging you to grant me more time with my baby, and keep my family strong, in both health and faith.
I want to take a small moment to say a quick thanks. In a discussion late last week, I let it slip that I was starting to let my faith slide, not able to understand why God picked my son, and how He could let him be so sick. I was assured that my son is a blessing, which of course I knew. But I did not even think that maybe God did this because he knew Dawson was meant to be, and knew my body was sick. So rather than keep Dawson around the infection, God brought him to me early, and in the hands of the best of the best. Thank you for both the reality check, and helping me realize the God always has a master plan, and while I may not always agree or understand, it is what is best. Please continue to pray for our sweet baby, as we have already seen what a miracle Dawson is, and what prayer is doing for us.
Sunday he had an okay day, levels were a bit higher but he was maintaining well. By the time I checked in agian wtih the night nurse, he was up to 80% and the blood gases were getting worse (these check how the oxygen is being tolerated by the body. Shows cell and platetlet counts). This was around 11pm. I called again when I got up to pump around 1:30 am and he was up to 100% oxygen (BAD!) and still was receiving poor blood gases. The nurse and I were both getting frusterated, because it seems that Dawson was not happy, but they could not figure out why. Needless to say I did not sleep well, and checked in again around 4am. He was back down to 80% and the gases were improving. They did a chest Xray and while there was not a drastic improvement from last week, it helped them make some minor changes that could help my lil guy out.
This morning Sarah (our favorite nurse) was back so I called her this morning. Dawson was slowly weaning back down on the oxygen and Dr. Karna was going to do other Xrays to keep a close eye on him. They were also bringing in another infection specialist. To me, this was redundent because all of Dawson's cultures were coming back negative, so I didn't understand why they couldn't move on. Turns out, Dawson was showing all signs of an infection..without the infection. They still came back negative today, but they did decide to pull Dawson's belly IV lines and go with IV's in his hands. A little bit more invasive, but the lines in the belly were no longer giving them the results they needed. Dawson will have these for approx 48 hours until they can make sure an infection doesn't show up now with the belly lines being moved. Then we can proceed to the picc line. YAY! This will basically be 1 central IV line for everything except oxygen and food. Unfortunately, Dawson is considered to be in critical condition again, but at least they are getting somewhere today.
They also did a blood transfusion and removed the heat lamp again today. They are back to 12 hours on...12 hours off. By 4:00 today when we visited, Dawson was back down to 30% oxygen and sleeping. His eyes are thisclose to opening, we cannnnnot wait! The Dr.s feel that they have a better hang on why Dawson is having these unstable episodes, 1 in part to the breathing tube movement. Unfortunately they are having to introduce some sedatives, because Dawson just wiggles too much and the tube then gets moved out of place. We are also back on restricted touching, we can just hold his hand, bottom or cup his legs so he feels cuddled. No stroking or tickling, because it makes him to excited. If these episodes continue, we may have to do a short course of steroids to help him out a bit. But for today, he was restful, and did the best with Ryan, myself and Sarah were at his bedside. Dr. Karna joked that none of us were going to be allowed to go home, and I am unsure how I feel about Dawson picking a girlfriend so soon =)
Dear Lord, we thank you for the time you have granted us so far with our precious son, and we pray for his continued growth and development. Please help his lungs continue to grow strong, and help him grow into a strong man of God. I am begging you to grant me more time with my baby, and keep my family strong, in both health and faith.
I want to take a small moment to say a quick thanks. In a discussion late last week, I let it slip that I was starting to let my faith slide, not able to understand why God picked my son, and how He could let him be so sick. I was assured that my son is a blessing, which of course I knew. But I did not even think that maybe God did this because he knew Dawson was meant to be, and knew my body was sick. So rather than keep Dawson around the infection, God brought him to me early, and in the hands of the best of the best. Thank you for both the reality check, and helping me realize the God always has a master plan, and while I may not always agree or understand, it is what is best. Please continue to pray for our sweet baby, as we have already seen what a miracle Dawson is, and what prayer is doing for us.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Well..today is not my favorite day..
so dawson has had a few good days this week, they were able to continue his feeding and his oxygen/ventilator needs were low. Things were looking relatively well considering. We went in tonight to visit and meet with the Dr., since we had not seen her in a couple of days. She said that dawson was not responding well to the ventilator today, and his oxygen dependency was pretty much at the max. They did another Xray of his lungs, and those are showing that there is fluid on the lungs. They referred us to a NICU book for parents and she said that we may want to focus on the lung disease portion of the book, because she was almost certain Dawson was going to have Chronic Lung disease. There isn't really anything they can do now, only nutrition and the vent can help now. We are back to waiting some more. Because of this, they cannot continue to feed him, or put in his picc lines right now. One step forward...two steps back.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
dawson is doing pretty good today, sleepy boy! His oxygen levels are back down in the 30-40 range and his is back at a stable condition! The nurse and I discussed the fact that he will be moving from a belly line to a pic line in the next couple of days, which is normal. Belly lines can only stay in for about 10 days to 2 weeks, where a pic line can remain for up to 2 months. They will also be able to feed him and give all of his meds/IV through the one line, which will be in the inside crook of his elbow, Just all around less invasive. thats about it for today!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Update- 4/14/09
DH and I went up to visit Dawson today and the Dr is a bit concerned about the possibility of an infection. Dawson's oxygen needs are continuing to move from one end of the spectrum to the other, with no consistency. They did a transfusion today and a dose of steroids to the lungs yesterday, but neither seem to be helping even things out.
They have determined that my PTL was caused by an infection, as they were able to find traces of it in my placenta. While my stats at admission did not reflect an infection and Dawson has yet to show signs they are still worried. So they started 2 antibiotics today just in case. We will know in about 48 hours if there are signs of infection in his blood, but at that point we will already be 2 days ahead on the medication. We just need to pray that an infection does not reach his lungs.
They have determined that my PTL was caused by an infection, as they were able to find traces of it in my placenta. While my stats at admission did not reflect an infection and Dawson has yet to show signs they are still worried. So they started 2 antibiotics today just in case. We will know in about 48 hours if there are signs of infection in his blood, but at that point we will already be 2 days ahead on the medication. We just need to pray that an infection does not reach his lungs.
Monday, April 13, 2009
One more update...
And this one might be my favorite yet! I just called and spoke with Dawson's nurse about his echo today, and the hole in his heart has closed on its own...which means no surgery in Ann Arobor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo, thank you Lord, and all of you for your continued prayers. God Bless!
Update- 4/11- 4/13 am
Well there have not been a whole lot of changes in Mr. Dawson. We have been visiting Dawson in the NICU everyday, and we spoke with the Dr. last on Sat, otherwise we usually just get little updates from his nurses. On Sat. Dr. Karna confirmed that Dawson had completed his 2nd round of Indocine (? that is the medicine that will be closing the duct in his heart). There were going to be doing an Echo today (4/13/09) to see if the duct had closed a bit. Now I had been told previously that the duct was appearing to close, but Dr. Karna did not bring that up. I am hoping she did so just to save my hopes from getting to high.
His lungs are looking good, and no longer requiring an additional steroid, however he is still on the Oscillator. He oxygen levels are being adjusted daily, Dawson just cannot decide where he wants to be. One moment he is low stating, and they have to turn it up, next minute he is high-stating. He is really giving the nurses a run for their money.
Dawson had is 2nd ultrasound on his brain, which revealed no hemorrhaging...YAY!
The Dr. did report that they had their first "skid mark" last Tuesday, so they would be feeding the gut some colostrum today to see how the intestines would handle.
His jaundice levels are down and stable, so now he will be off the light therapy for 12 hours during the day, but on for the 12 hours at night. His weight is fluctuation between 1 lb 7oz and 1 lb 9 oz. each day, so no major weight loss like they see in full term babies. He also finished his round of antibiotics and they have found no signs of infection so they will not be continuing those.
On SAt and Sunday, Mr Dawson was wearing a bootie on his foot...so cute! I swiped it up yesterday when he wasn't wearing it, along with his first hat so that I can put them in a shadow box. Ryan and I did get to witness his first and second round of the hiccups on Sat. and Sun, so cute...but they look a tad bit painful on such a little guy.
Sunday when we went up there, he was laying on his belly for the first time, diaper off and everything just enjoying the breeze =) Our little boy enjoys being spread eagle and nakkie! He has been responding to Ryan and I a lot, with kicking and finger holding.
I am a bit stressed today, I called our HR department, and found out that while my recovery leave will be paid in 100% up to 6 weeks. I only have 12 weeks total between both leaves. So whatever time I take now for myself to recover, takes away from the amount of time I will have with my son when he gets to come home. Also, when I take my personal leave to be with my son at home, chances are that is going to exhaust all of my personal time, and then the difference will remain unpaid under FMLA. Which stinks because then should anything happen when I go back to work, and I need a day off or whatnot it will be unpaid and my boss will technically have the option to fire me. EEK! So I will be working on that in the near future.
His lungs are looking good, and no longer requiring an additional steroid, however he is still on the Oscillator. He oxygen levels are being adjusted daily, Dawson just cannot decide where he wants to be. One moment he is low stating, and they have to turn it up, next minute he is high-stating. He is really giving the nurses a run for their money.
Dawson had is 2nd ultrasound on his brain, which revealed no hemorrhaging...YAY!
The Dr. did report that they had their first "skid mark" last Tuesday, so they would be feeding the gut some colostrum today to see how the intestines would handle.
His jaundice levels are down and stable, so now he will be off the light therapy for 12 hours during the day, but on for the 12 hours at night. His weight is fluctuation between 1 lb 7oz and 1 lb 9 oz. each day, so no major weight loss like they see in full term babies. He also finished his round of antibiotics and they have found no signs of infection so they will not be continuing those.
On SAt and Sunday, Mr Dawson was wearing a bootie on his foot...so cute! I swiped it up yesterday when he wasn't wearing it, along with his first hat so that I can put them in a shadow box. Ryan and I did get to witness his first and second round of the hiccups on Sat. and Sun, so cute...but they look a tad bit painful on such a little guy.
Sunday when we went up there, he was laying on his belly for the first time, diaper off and everything just enjoying the breeze =) Our little boy enjoys being spread eagle and nakkie! He has been responding to Ryan and I a lot, with kicking and finger holding.
I am a bit stressed today, I called our HR department, and found out that while my recovery leave will be paid in 100% up to 6 weeks. I only have 12 weeks total between both leaves. So whatever time I take now for myself to recover, takes away from the amount of time I will have with my son when he gets to come home. Also, when I take my personal leave to be with my son at home, chances are that is going to exhaust all of my personal time, and then the difference will remain unpaid under FMLA. Which stinks because then should anything happen when I go back to work, and I need a day off or whatnot it will be unpaid and my boss will technically have the option to fire me. EEK! So I will be working on that in the near future.
Friday, April 10, 2009
My little man, the recap.
Tuesday night, Ryan went back over to the RNICU to check on Dawson and scope things out. They talked with Ryan a bit and explained about the ventilator, and his blood transfusions. We were able to confirm that he was O negative, and his blood gases were looking good. He was covered up with the bubble wrap, in order to keep the heat in. Ryan's parents were able to go in, along with my mom. They were not able to touch him yet. When he came back he updated me, and before bed I called the nurse to check in. She explained that they moved him from the ventilator, to the oscillator. They explained that in a way this was a minor setback, but it is more gentle because instead of hard breaths, it just puffs in constant air to keep the air pockets inflated, therefore decreasing the chance that they can stick together if they get closed-causing the lungs to colapse.
His nurse then called me again on Wed. morning and explained that thoughout the night, they were able to reduce the oxygen level. The oxygen level he receives is closer to room quality oxygen, just like I breathe.
Wednesday, Ingham was able to grant me a leave of absence to go over to Sparrow and see my son. We got there and spoke with "DR Ivonoff" who explained that we were pretty much unchanged. They confirmed that Dawson does have a hole in his heart and they are currently medicating him so that can close. We then we able to meet Dr. Karna, who will be Dawson's dr. for the long haul. She questioned me a bit to try and identify what happened to cause his delivery, but it is not something they can find. I straight out asked what Dawson's survival level was, they are quoting him at 85%, Dawson is not out of the woods just yet, but we are getting there.
The nurse they let us have a moment with Dawson, with the light off of his face and his face mask off. (This he has due to the jaundice). I just sat there with Ryan and wept. So upset at the aspect that my body had failed my baby, and not knowing what the next few months would bring for my son. The nurse came back and let me hold his hand, stroke his toes and just watch him. They were able to take the bubble wrap off, as the light was working wel enough to keep him warm. We were able to watch her take his temperature and change his diaper. The minute that diaper came off he just went spread eagle, flailing his legs and enjoying the freedom :D
When it was time for us to leave DH and I had to go back to Ingham. Dr. Ferick had come over to check on me, and just basically re-iterated that there was no way to see this coming and we really just need to hope for the best. She checked my incision and determined that I needed a checkup next week, and due to the pain from the activity on Wed. I could stay in the hospital until Friday. I called again to check on Dawson before bed, and he remained unchanged.
Thursday DH and I rested up for most of the day at Ingham, taking some time to sleep. I was also able to start pumping with a beneficial result ;D Ingham decided they would store that for me, and I could take it with me to Sparrow and they could freeze that. DH and I went over to Sparrow around 8pm and met with his night nurse, Beth. She confirmed he was still a bit unchanged, but they had done the Xray on his brain and they were able to confirm there was no blood on the brain. They also did and Echo, and found that the hole on his heart is starting to close.
Friday morning DH and I were discharged. We went over to Sparrow to visit, and I took a brief class on Breastmilk storage. The lactation consultant said that it might be in my best interest to rent a hospital grade pump, since the suction was stronger. I was fitted for that and they got me the pump. DH was able to see Dawson yawn, and see his teeny tongue. He starts blowing bubbles and he moves his legs and arms alllll over the place. He likes to tug on his ears and touch his face, but is not really a fan of having his feet touched. Its amazing to see his little personality being so feisty so soon. I called back around 7 before the shift change to check in with his nurse Shelly, and she explained that they were able to wean down his Oxygen again, twice in 1 day. We have to keep praying that our feisty boy keeps on fighting.
His nurse then called me again on Wed. morning and explained that thoughout the night, they were able to reduce the oxygen level. The oxygen level he receives is closer to room quality oxygen, just like I breathe.
Wednesday, Ingham was able to grant me a leave of absence to go over to Sparrow and see my son. We got there and spoke with "DR Ivonoff" who explained that we were pretty much unchanged. They confirmed that Dawson does have a hole in his heart and they are currently medicating him so that can close. We then we able to meet Dr. Karna, who will be Dawson's dr. for the long haul. She questioned me a bit to try and identify what happened to cause his delivery, but it is not something they can find. I straight out asked what Dawson's survival level was, they are quoting him at 85%, Dawson is not out of the woods just yet, but we are getting there.
The nurse they let us have a moment with Dawson, with the light off of his face and his face mask off. (This he has due to the jaundice). I just sat there with Ryan and wept. So upset at the aspect that my body had failed my baby, and not knowing what the next few months would bring for my son. The nurse came back and let me hold his hand, stroke his toes and just watch him. They were able to take the bubble wrap off, as the light was working wel enough to keep him warm. We were able to watch her take his temperature and change his diaper. The minute that diaper came off he just went spread eagle, flailing his legs and enjoying the freedom :D
When it was time for us to leave DH and I had to go back to Ingham. Dr. Ferick had come over to check on me, and just basically re-iterated that there was no way to see this coming and we really just need to hope for the best. She checked my incision and determined that I needed a checkup next week, and due to the pain from the activity on Wed. I could stay in the hospital until Friday. I called again to check on Dawson before bed, and he remained unchanged.
Thursday DH and I rested up for most of the day at Ingham, taking some time to sleep. I was also able to start pumping with a beneficial result ;D Ingham decided they would store that for me, and I could take it with me to Sparrow and they could freeze that. DH and I went over to Sparrow around 8pm and met with his night nurse, Beth. She confirmed he was still a bit unchanged, but they had done the Xray on his brain and they were able to confirm there was no blood on the brain. They also did and Echo, and found that the hole on his heart is starting to close.
Friday morning DH and I were discharged. We went over to Sparrow to visit, and I took a brief class on Breastmilk storage. The lactation consultant said that it might be in my best interest to rent a hospital grade pump, since the suction was stronger. I was fitted for that and they got me the pump. DH was able to see Dawson yawn, and see his teeny tongue. He starts blowing bubbles and he moves his legs and arms alllll over the place. He likes to tug on his ears and touch his face, but is not really a fan of having his feet touched. Its amazing to see his little personality being so feisty so soon. I called back around 7 before the shift change to check in with his nurse Shelly, and she explained that they were able to wean down his Oxygen again, twice in 1 day. We have to keep praying that our feisty boy keeps on fighting.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My son has arrived! 16 weeks early!
So yesterday morning I woke up and went downstairs to use the potty. When I wiped, I found that there was bright red blood all over the tp. Thankfully Ryan was home so I just started screaming and crying for him to come downstairs. I called the on call # and we immediately left for the hospital. They got me all checked in and into an exam room, and then they were able to find Dawson's heart rate and everything seemed strong. They then decided to do an internal exam, but when they did that they found I was already dialated to 10 cm and my bag was exposed, then they did the ultrasound and Dawson was head down.
They immediately moved me to a delivery room and determined that I would be having Dawson TODAY. Ryan and I were both a little panicked, but that staff was great in explaining what we were doing and why. They then had to break my water, but the minute the bag was out of the way, my cervix retracted and they then had to wait for me to re-dialate. Thennnnn I wasn;t getting there fast enough and when Dawson's heart rate began to decline, they decided a c-section was imminent.
We moved into the delivery room and they gave me my drugs, and Dawson arrived at 10:36am, at 1lb 11oz, 12 inches long. After they got him stabilized in the delivery room they were able to move him over to the RNICU, where he will probably stay until his original due date.
They are pretty optimistic in their diagnosis. At this point Dawson is doing well, but we are just taking it one day at a time, and taking all the prayers we can get.
They still do not know what sent me into labor, they did send my placenta to the NICU for additional testing as well. They say may we never know or we might find out, they are just not to sure.
Right now DH and I are just overwhelmed. Raw at the emotions of the unknown and just praying and hoping for the best. I am going crazy from racking my brain about what I didnt see, or may have done wrong, and at the amount of worry that I have for someone so small and new to me. But now my heart beats for him, and I know that he is my world from this moment on. Just please pray, at the safe arrival HOME for our son, whenever that may be.

They immediately moved me to a delivery room and determined that I would be having Dawson TODAY. Ryan and I were both a little panicked, but that staff was great in explaining what we were doing and why. They then had to break my water, but the minute the bag was out of the way, my cervix retracted and they then had to wait for me to re-dialate. Thennnnn I wasn;t getting there fast enough and when Dawson's heart rate began to decline, they decided a c-section was imminent.
We moved into the delivery room and they gave me my drugs, and Dawson arrived at 10:36am, at 1lb 11oz, 12 inches long. After they got him stabilized in the delivery room they were able to move him over to the RNICU, where he will probably stay until his original due date.
They are pretty optimistic in their diagnosis. At this point Dawson is doing well, but we are just taking it one day at a time, and taking all the prayers we can get.
They still do not know what sent me into labor, they did send my placenta to the NICU for additional testing as well. They say may we never know or we might find out, they are just not to sure.
Right now DH and I are just overwhelmed. Raw at the emotions of the unknown and just praying and hoping for the best. I am going crazy from racking my brain about what I didnt see, or may have done wrong, and at the amount of worry that I have for someone so small and new to me. But now my heart beats for him, and I know that he is my world from this moment on. Just please pray, at the safe arrival HOME for our son, whenever that may be.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Job Description
This is hysterical. If it had been presented this way,
I don't believe any of us would have done it!!!!
Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop
Long term, team players needed, for challenging
permanent work in an
often chaotic environment.
Candidates must possess excellent communication
and organizational skills and be willing to work
variable hours, which will include
evenings and weekends
and frequent 24 hour shifts on call.
Some overnight travel required, including trips to
primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities!
Travel expenses not reimbursed.
Extensive courier duties also required.
The rest of your life.
Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily,
until someone needs $5.
Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.
Also, must possess the physical stamina of a
pack mule
and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat
in case, this time, the screams from
the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.
Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges,
such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets
and stuck zippers.
Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and
coordinate production of multiple homework projects.
Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings
for clients of all ages and mental outlooks.
Must be willing to be indispensable one minute,
an embarrassment the next.
Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a
half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices.
Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
Must assume final, complete accountability for
the quality of the end product..
Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and
janitorial work throughout the facility.
Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills,
so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you
None required unfortunately.
On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis..
Get this! You pay them!
Offering frequent raises and bonuses.
A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because
of the assumption that college will help them
become financially independent.
When you die, you give them whatever is left.
The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that
you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.
While no health or dental insurance, no pension,
no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and
no stock options are offered;
this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love,
and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.
Job Description
This is hysterical. If it had been presented this way,
I don't believe any of us would have done it!!!!
Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop
Long term, team players needed, for challenging
permanent work in an
often chaotic environment.
Candidates must possess excellent communication
and organizational skills and be willing to work
variable hours, which will include
evenings and weekends
and frequent 24 hour shifts on call.
Some overnight travel required, including trips to
primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities!
Travel expenses not reimbursed.
Extensive courier duties also required.
The rest of your life.
Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily,
until someone needs $5.
Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.
Also, must possess the physical stamina of a
pack mule
and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat
in case, this time, the screams from
the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.
Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges,
such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets
and stuck zippers.
Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and
coordinate production of multiple homework projects.
Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings
for clients of all ages and mental outlooks.
Must be willing to be indispensable one minute,
an embarrassment the next.
Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a
half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices.
Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
Must assume final, complete accountability for
the quality of the end product..
Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and
janitorial work throughout the facility.
Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills,
so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you
None required unfortunately.
On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis..
Get this! You pay them!
Offering frequent raises and bonuses.
A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because
of the assumption that college will help them
become financially independent.
When you die, you give them whatever is left.
The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that
you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.
While no health or dental insurance, no pension,
no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and
no stock options are offered;
this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love,
and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.
Go Green! Go White!!
So, the word sports fan may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of me...but hey, I can fake it!!
On the banks of the Red Cedar,
There's a school that's known to all;
Its specialty is winning,
And those Spartans play good ball;
Spartan teams are never beaten,
All through the game they'll fight;
Fight for the only colors:
Green and White.
Go right through for MSU,
Watch the points keep growing,
Spartan teams are bound to win,
They're fighting with a vim!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
See their team is weakening,
We're going to win this game,
Fight! Fight! Rah! Team, Fight!
Victory for MSU!
On the banks of the Red Cedar,
There's a school that's known to all;
Its specialty is winning,
And those Spartans play good ball;
Spartan teams are never beaten,
All through the game they'll fight;
Fight for the only colors:
Green and White.
Go right through for MSU,
Watch the points keep growing,
Spartan teams are bound to win,
They're fighting with a vim!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
See their team is weakening,
We're going to win this game,
Fight! Fight! Rah! Team, Fight!
Victory for MSU!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Week 24
24 weeks 1 day
How far along? 24 weeks, 1 days
Total weight gain/loss: up 5 lbs
Maternity clothes? For sure!
Stretch marks? On the belly, they seem to be following Dawson. The higher he situates himself in the belly, the higher they rise. Oh Joy!
Sleep: Great. I am out like a light...for about 4 hours at a time. Then I have to pee. Then I am out for an hour. Then I have to roll over. Repeat.
Best moment this week: Getting up early, having homemade breakfast and getting a TON of laundry/cleaning done. I feel so accomplished!
Movement: Every day, he moves the most after I eat.
Food cravings: Vanilla Ice cream with chocolate sauce, and strawberry's. Not together though.
Gender: Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...Its a boy!
Labor Signs: Nada..but I did experience a few BH this week.
Belly Button in or out? It is hanging on for it's life as an innie...my button is getting smaller every day
What I miss: stomach sleeping!!
What I am looking forward to: Easter Sunday!!
Weekly Wisdom: Keeping your house clean as you go is much easier than an all day cleaning marathon!
Milestones: Viability day!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tomorrow is my V-day! YAY!
Tomorrow, at 24 weeks pregnant, is my Viability day. Meaning that should something go wrong, and I deliver at any point from tomorrow on, with proper NICU care, Dawson can survive outside the womb. This is also the point in which the hospital would automatically administer fetal care, whereas before 24 weeks, they do not.
YAY for my growing boy!!
YAY for my growing boy!!
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