Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well Well Well, Here were are in a NEW year, and a NEW day! I apologize for my blogging hiatus, and I hope you are all still here with me! Our holidays were wonderful, busy and chaotic but still fun. We were all very spoiled and I hope Santa has taken care of you as well!

D is growing like a weed, still working on the walking thing but we are getting there. He loves to play, all day, every day. He is a little climber man and loves tumbling, and is IN.TO.EVERYTHING. More than loving to play, he loves to eat. I cannot even describe the amount that child consumes in a day. It's insane. And, he loves eating off of [anyone's] plate. The minute he hears that spoon or fork touch the bowl, he comes barreling in and will stand in front of you with his mouth open and ready! He is mostly on table food, and will try just about anything. We still use some baby foods to make sure he is getting enough fruits and veggies with his foods since those are still hard for his 7 little teeth to tear up. I see that ending here soon though, because right now he is cutting both and eye tooth, and a molar. Pray for me.

Me, well I've been good. Still chugging away at least! I decided to switch tracks a little bit and I re-joined Weight Watchers in December. I am really loving the new PointsPlus [P+] Program and it has been working well so far. I finally crossed over into the 180s on Christmas Eve (189.4 ha!) but sadly, I am back in the 190s after way to many sweets and booze this Holiday season. Ah well. You win some you lose some. Here's to losing more than I win gain.I have also decided to ditch the Alli, and have been off of it for about a month. I decided that I didn't like spending the money on it, and WW makes me keep a conscious thought on my food choices anyway, so I took that money and signed up for 2 new classes they are offering on my lunch hour at work. I also took the leap and signed up for a 10k in May. As you may remember, I barely made it through the 5k on Thanksgiving [but I still RAN THE WHOLE THING!!::fist pump::]  so I have a lot of training to do. I need to get re-focused on my running, because lately I have been all about SPIN! I am taking 2 classes a week, and man they are great workouts! I leave just dripping, and I love that feeling.

And of course, like everyone else, I have my own set of 2011 Resolutions Goals. I am not going to inundate my blog with them, because I am approaching them slowly and making the changes in my life I need to make, so that they are LASTING changes! The first two I tackled....Saving $ and Eliminating pop from my everyday diet. R and I took the time last week and opened 2 savings accounts. One for vacations (because we have lots of plans for our family's yearly travels!!) and one for actual savings. Each pay-period we have money automatically moved over into them, and they are not attached to our regular account, so here's hoping we can keep our paws off of it! The second one was simple, I wanted to ditch the daily Diet Pepsi habit. I am not saying I will never have it again, because I love it when we go out, but I just don't want to feel reliant on it every day. Thankfully this sore throat I am rocking has made this one easy, and I haven't had a soda since...Saturday! Wahoo!

I am looking forward to getting back to blogging more, Ive missed that release of just writing! Hoping all is well with my readers out there, and I try to get out and click on my followers but some of you are private. If you blog, I would love for you to leave me your address so I can check you out!!


Unknown said...

I was starting to wonder if you were coming back!!! I am so proud of you Sara and I hope that you get everything your heart desires! Keep up the hard work girl, you got this!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are off to a great start in 2011! Congrats on getting into the 180's; that's amazing! All of your hard work is going to pay off :)
Glad that you are back in action.