I went to the Dr. today for my first 2 week checkup. BP was good, down a bit, and Dawson still has a HR of about 160. The little stinker kept running and kicking/ pushing on the Doppler, feisty lil guy already!! When the Dr. came in she said that my BP was still stable and all workups were coming back perfect. She says that my BP is not concerning her being that it is stable and predictable. She confirmed that she thinks between my last checkup and my trip to Labor/Delivery, my BP situation was a bit of an overreaction and Dawson and I are fine. Whew! She does want me to continue on my 2 week visits from here on out to continue to keep an eye on it, but based on my and Dawson's growth, she is sure we will go full term and be fine, granted there are no big shake ups in the 3rd. Trimester. I get to go back in 2 weeks and do my GD test...again and then another check up. I also confirmed that this spotting on my back/arms is a hormone rash..and is normal. At least now I can use cortizone instead of just lotion! Ahh the joys of pregnancy!!
How far along? 23 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: up 4.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Still my favorite!
Stretch marks? Still only on the belly
Sleep: I am about to hit the hay...at 8pm. Did not sleep good last night!
Best moment this week: Being told that my BP situation is under control, and I am likely to go full term!
Movement: Every day, and it still makes me smile every time!
Food cravings: It changes daily!
Gender: Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...Its a boy!
Labor Signs: Nada..Thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? It is hanging on for it's life as an innie...
What I miss: stomach sleeping and having energy
What I am looking forward to: Jeans on Friday and Getting some good news...Hopefully. Check back later for news!
Weekly Wisdom: I cannot be wise at this time...I am to tired...However, I am really starting to LOVE ice cold water LOL..Wierd right?!
Milestones: Relaxing at the Dr. office, making a difficult decision based on the needs of my family..Again, check back later!
Oh and I almost forgot! DH and I have secured our little guy a spot in daycare! WooHoo! DH's aunt's sister (still with me) has been doing daycare for the better part of 20 years. She is constantly full, and is now caring for some 2nd generation babies, people love her that much. She is a very sweet lady and we are so excited she is going to have a spot for our babe! Can I add, that she is also right around the corner from us...on my way to work...and very budget friendly! Sooooo happy about that!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Deets please!
So since my fruit/baby info details are now only going to continuing once a month..I found this neat little survey I thought I would start doing weekly. I wish I would have found it sooner, it would have been nice to look back.
Also-check in later for a new belly pic, I took one last night!
How far along? 22 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: up 3.7 lbs..WOOT!
Maternity clothes? Yep...full time since about 11 weeks
Stretch marks? War wounds you mean...Yep on the belly!
Sleep: Yes Please! I have been sleeping very good this week ;D
Best moment this week: Feeling Dawson moving EVERY day! Oh and the choc. dipped PB cookies my co-worker made!
Movement: See above, every day!
Food cravings: Food
Gender: Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...Its a boy!
Labor Signs: Nada..
Belly Button in or out? In but flat
What I miss: Margaritas and stomach sleeping
What I am looking forward to: Dr. appt next week.
Weekly Wisdom: Um...I got nothin! Ohh...Drink water! Oh.. and Kim..you should take/do this weekly too!!
Milestones: I popped! All Belly now!...at least it feels that way to me!
Also-check in later for a new belly pic, I took one last night!
How far along? 22 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: up 3.7 lbs..WOOT!
Maternity clothes? Yep...full time since about 11 weeks
Stretch marks? War wounds you mean...Yep on the belly!
Sleep: Yes Please! I have been sleeping very good this week ;D
Best moment this week: Feeling Dawson moving EVERY day! Oh and the choc. dipped PB cookies my co-worker made!
Movement: See above, every day!
Food cravings: Food
Gender: Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...Its a boy!
Labor Signs: Nada..
Belly Button in or out? In but flat
What I miss: Margaritas and stomach sleeping
What I am looking forward to: Dr. appt next week.
Weekly Wisdom: Um...I got nothin! Ohh...Drink water! Oh.. and Kim..you should take/do this weekly too!!
Milestones: I popped! All Belly now!...at least it feels that way to me!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Umm...you want to put that where?
I am blood type O-, which apparantly, being anything negative is rather rare. So come my 28 week appointment, and right after delivery I will be administered a Rhogam shot. No biggie, I have already had multiple pokes and prods since getting pregnant (2 internal ultrasounds, 1 pap, 4 labs).
However, I am just now finding out...they will be administering that shot, via my ASS! Lovely.
Add that to my list of war wounds.
However, I am just now finding out...they will be administering that shot, via my ASS! Lovely.
Add that to my list of war wounds.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Week 22-24-Papaya
I am a blogging machine today!! Well, starting this week, my nugget's growth is now measured by the month, not week. So no more weekly fruit updates!!

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
And man oh man...does my little man kick!! He hangs out either really low in my ute, or always off to the right, by my belly button. Either way...he loves kicking mommy! DH is getting anxious to feel it, but so far..no luck! I have also started reading to Dawson, since I have gotten some books from a lady I work with. How nice was that! I will admit I feel pretty silly, but man if it makes him happy...I will do it!

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
And man oh man...does my little man kick!! He hangs out either really low in my ute, or always off to the right, by my belly button. Either way...he loves kicking mommy! DH is getting anxious to feel it, but so far..no luck! I have also started reading to Dawson, since I have gotten some books from a lady I work with. How nice was that! I will admit I feel pretty silly, but man if it makes him happy...I will do it!
Dawson's photo debut!
Taa-Daa...sorry for the delay, I usually am blogging at work and kept forgetting to email myself the pictures, since I cannot get into photo-sharing at work. Enjoy!

Dawson on his back.

Little piggys


Flexing his arm...giving the thumbs up!

Creepy skeleton face pt. 1

Creepy face pt. 2

Looooong Legs

On his side facing the camera...

On his side, facing the camera

His boy parts! The only time his boy parts will be on the inter-webs...at least it better be!!

Dawson on his back.

Little piggys


Flexing his arm...giving the thumbs up!

Creepy skeleton face pt. 1

Creepy face pt. 2

Looooong Legs

On his side facing the camera...

On his side, facing the camera

His boy parts! The only time his boy parts will be on the inter-webs...at least it better be!!
What a weekend! Plus, an adventure in L&D
Our weekend was pretty busy, starting right after work on Friday. I had to run some errands and met up with a friend for dinner and pedicures! YES! We get our pedicures at Angel Nails bu Jenny, which is in the Meijer. Believe it or not...it is VERY NICE in there. Also very private, no gawkers peeking in the windows. We were their last appointment so we headed out and walked around Meijer a bit, then after I found Dawson some fleece lined crocs for 4 bucks, we checked out and went to leave..only I had no keys. I had locked them in the pedicure place!! OH NO! Good thing I know the owners daughter! So we had to wait for someone to come open the door for us. Then we met up with DH to head out to the Whiskey Barrel for a friend's birthday and some line dancing. I only did 1...the hustle, but my toes were starting to bother me and feeling really smooshed. I just took it easy and sat up at our table, but they only have bar stools, so I was nervous about my legs hanging down. We left and went back to meijer so that I could get Twilight and then headed home. Sure enough, my ankles and toes looked like smooshed sausages, they were so swollen. I figured I would head to bed and it would be okay.
Sat. I woke up and the swelling had gone down a bit,but not all the way. I got ready to head up to Mt. Pleasant so I could see some of the fam I had not seen since Christmas. Lunch was great, and I got to see one of my cousins that is also Pregnant, due 7 weeks behind me. Dawson is going to have a little playmate! So excited! Buttt....the 1.5 hour car ride each way did not fare me to well. By the time we had got back home, my ankles were the size of 2 liter bottles, and both my feet and hands were swollen. I called the on-call physician and these symptoms combined with my Blood Pressure had them worried. They had me come in to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. I came in and they ran my BP and urine, no protein but my BP was through the roof. They got the monitor on both Dawson and I. Dawson was hanging out around 150 bpm, and was kicking the monitor like CRAZY!! What a feisty little guy! It was so cool to hear and feel at the same time. Hearing him okay and happy in there calmed me down a bit and they took my BP again...which was at a "petty close to normal" range! YAY! They did run some labs just in case, but all is okay and they just told me to take-er-easy and increase my water intake, watch the sodium and keep my feet up as much as possible.
I immediately took their advice and slept for 11 hours Sat. night, followed by an hour nap Sunday afternoon ;-D Then Ryan and I went and spent some time with my dad and step mom, who are officially moving to Cali as of this week, and we will not see them again until July 30th.
Sat. I woke up and the swelling had gone down a bit,but not all the way. I got ready to head up to Mt. Pleasant so I could see some of the fam I had not seen since Christmas. Lunch was great, and I got to see one of my cousins that is also Pregnant, due 7 weeks behind me. Dawson is going to have a little playmate! So excited! Buttt....the 1.5 hour car ride each way did not fare me to well. By the time we had got back home, my ankles were the size of 2 liter bottles, and both my feet and hands were swollen. I called the on-call physician and these symptoms combined with my Blood Pressure had them worried. They had me come in to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. I came in and they ran my BP and urine, no protein but my BP was through the roof. They got the monitor on both Dawson and I. Dawson was hanging out around 150 bpm, and was kicking the monitor like CRAZY!! What a feisty little guy! It was so cool to hear and feel at the same time. Hearing him okay and happy in there calmed me down a bit and they took my BP again...which was at a "petty close to normal" range! YAY! They did run some labs just in case, but all is okay and they just told me to take-er-easy and increase my water intake, watch the sodium and keep my feet up as much as possible.
I immediately took their advice and slept for 11 hours Sat. night, followed by an hour nap Sunday afternoon ;-D Then Ryan and I went and spent some time with my dad and step mom, who are officially moving to Cali as of this week, and we will not see them again until July 30th.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Week 21-Banana

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
Well, we did find out on our ultrasound that Dawson is slightly smaller than where he should be. That, along with my blood pressue is something the Dr. has decided to watch carefully for the remainder of my pregnancy. These 2 things have definetly been on my mind a lot lately, thus the reduction in posts. Belly pics to come soon.
Please pray for our baby boy and his healthy arrival, as well as a healthy remainder-of-pregnancy for me.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Week 20- Cantalope
Whoa, this is slightly late ;D

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!
Sorry for the delay, as well as the lack of belly pic this week. I will try and get one tonight.
We have confirmed tht baby is a healthy BOY! Dawson is healthy, weighing in at 9oz and is around 6 inches crown to rump as of Friday. I am starting to feel a LOT of movement now, pretty much whenever I am not moving. Usually around 3am and then all through the day he is jammin in there. I should have the ultrasound pics up soon.I have been having some trouble getting them uploaded so that you can all see him as clerly as I do in each pic.

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!
Sorry for the delay, as well as the lack of belly pic this week. I will try and get one tonight.
We have confirmed tht baby is a healthy BOY! Dawson is healthy, weighing in at 9oz and is around 6 inches crown to rump as of Friday. I am starting to feel a LOT of movement now, pretty much whenever I am not moving. Usually around 3am and then all through the day he is jammin in there. I should have the ultrasound pics up soon.I have been having some trouble getting them uploaded so that you can all see him as clerly as I do in each pic.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So I checked my poll results today....Who in the hell voted for both?! Really?! For god sakes! One of these days Alice, POW! right in the kisser.
And Joy, I already know it was you that picked "How in the hell should I know" Really? Play along people.
Well besides those 2 lame-os, results are head to head! 46 hours and 15 mins!!
And Joy, I already know it was you that picked "How in the hell should I know" Really? Play along people.
Well besides those 2 lame-os, results are head to head! 46 hours and 15 mins!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Week 19- Belly
Haha you get 2 pics this week because I think the 1 is funny. In the one where you can see my mouth and my hands are crossed, I had asked Ryan to take my pic and then got totally side tracked by something on TV. (Me?! No!) I like how I am already trying to use my belly as a table, and that's only because I cannot bring my hands together at the bottom of my belly anymore....And on that note...Where in the hell did my lady bits go? I know they are there...I just cannot see them! Freaky! I also have discovered (well actually Joy discovered, in the form of some food that was dropped and left there) that I cannot see the space between my boobs and top of the belly anymore. I was standing at the bowling alley and she goes "Whats that?!"
Me: "What's what?"
Joy: "That" (descriptive right?!)
So she then has to help me completely squish down my boob and move it to the side (yes, we are close like that, 14+ years of friendship will do that to you) so that I can remove whatever remnant of food was left there. Embarrassing!! So basically when I look down, I see boobs, top of my belly to my belly-button ring hole that is now the size of a pencil lead (gross!) then knee caps. Nicccce.
2 days and 2.5 Hours until the BIG ultrasound day!! The next time I will be updating, you will be able to see the pics of our babe!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Week 19-Mango

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.
Ahh, now that's better. Mangos are much cuter than sweet potatoes. No new updates really, heartburn has now become manageable, and I got some of my energy back this weekend. Actually went out on Sat. and bowled! Belly pic will be up tonight!
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