Well hello there. I seem to have this complex over posting anything not D or weight loss related. Which, I need to get over, because I am sure you guys would love to read something else then the same ol same ol. amiright?! Well we will get to that. Tomorrow. because today, I'm
Last week, I started getting back on the work out band wagon. I've been trying some new classes, I joined a running group though a local store and just am really getting some goals swarming around in my head about what I want to accomplish in 2013. So last week Monday, my weight was down. well that was a pleasant surprise! Monday and Tuesday night I worked my can off, and Wednesday morning I was so excited to weigh in. I thought it was going to be a great loss, and couldn't wait to tell Andrea before I even got on the scale.
And I was up. What the what?!
Of course I pouted, rebelled, ate whatever I wanted, and sure enough paid for it. Thankfully, I was able to focus and get my shit together by my Friday weigh in and then again over the weekend. This Monday, boom. all my efforts showed up on that scale. I love that feeling.
So wash and repeat. Lifted Monday night, ran Tuesday and today. I gained. Whattheefffff is going on here?!?
In all the time I have been trying and failing and quiting and trying and failing, I have never been one of those people with unexpected gains. For every time I got on that scale and gained, I could think of x treats, y meals, z restaurants, that I could explain my gain with. Until now. to say I am discouraged is a huge understatement.
This program is making me face my skeletons, challenge everything I know and just really testing me. I am not seeing the results I want, and its just freaking FRUSTRATING. I don't really know where to go from here. Instinct is telling me to bail, and I seem to be noticing more and more WW blogs and commercials. But I know I cannot bail. I need to learn, I need to grow and I need this challenge. I just really hope that something changes and I start seeing results or just SOMETHING. I cannot still be here in 2 months. I just. I cant.

Almost under 200! You are awesome!
you're so close to the 200 pound mark! keep it up girl & good luck!!
xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May
{PS - I'm giving away a fitness notebook & would love for you to win!}
Don't bale. It will come off :) Just keep at it.
So close to ONEderland. Jealous! Go girl :)
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