Apparently someone [me!] was a good girl last year and Santa totally delivered for me this Christmas. Well, not really Santa, but my amazing family. R's grandma hooked me up with 2 personal training sessions at my gym for some quality time with an amazing trainer. I have worked with him before in group sessions (think a mini version of a class) and taken BodyPump classes from him but I have never worked one on one with ANY trainer. I had my first session on Friday night.
First of all, I think it is great that you can make an appointment to work out. Holds you accountable and you really get to work in a workout (heh, see what I did there?!) around your schedule, instead of the other way around.
We started with some drill warm ups (butt kicks, shuffles, lunges, etc) and then really got right down to it. We did squat presses on a box, kettle bell swings and then 2 versions of planks for 3 rounds. Then we did 1 legged squats using TRX ropes, ball slams and lower ab work for 3 rounds. Lets just say I was huffin and puffin. It was a great workout that utilized a lot of the equipment my gym has and just gave me a taste of how to use it. I found my self dwelling on how out of shape I have let myself become, but I was doing pretty good about turning it around and using it to squat deeper, thrust harder (that's what she said) and lift higher. Because at this point, I can't take it back, and dwelling is just causing me to binge when I focus on the disappointment. I need to move on.
I have another session this Friday and I am excited!

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