Saturday, December 15, 2012


My heart goes out of all of the families and friends of the victims in Newtown, CT. I cannot even begin to imagine the devestation and destruction these people are living through and it just breaks my heart.
A friend of mine posted this yesterday on FB and iy couldnt be more true.

"Every day at work, I read about horrific crimes and it is always sad, but I can usually divorce myself from those situations surrounding those crimes pretty easily. But, this…. This is something we cannot really detach from. What a heinous crime against our most innocent young and precious lives.

Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds."

-Psalm 47:3

please let your thoughts and prayers be with the victims and their families, as well as the survivors of yesterdays tragic events. they need to feel our strength and love behind them at such a desperate time.


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