Friday, February 6, 2009

I am carrying a party animal in my Ute.

Feel loved…you are getting 2 posts today! YAY! So I felt the baby for the first time this week, and I feel that it warrants its own post. I felt nugget for the first time on Wed. night right before bed. It was rather entertaining as I had just been venting my face off to a friend (and my hairdresser) about how everyone is asking if I feel it yet…and nada. And then right as I’m getting toasty comfortable in bed..twa-laa. The best way I can describe it is like a wooshing in your ute. It really isn’t fluttering to me, its like bubbling kinda. But I love it! I love feeling it! Then on Thursday was in there wooshing away all morning, and then…nada all day.

This morning, I woke up and my hips are swore. And there is a party, that I was not invited to, happening in my vag. Hello in there? HELLO? Think you could tone it down a bit buster and not make mama feel as if her tummy is flying all over the place as you push it outaa the way to get your grove on?!?! Hear me? This is mama layin down the law!! If you are gunna throw a party….at least invite me! ( I know this is impossible…but you know what I mean)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bet that was an amazing feeling!!! You are so stinkin funny! Hope to see you soon!