My belly is certainly growing, and getting hard. I have been feeling some movement a little, but I am not yet feeling pokes or kicks. It really just feels like a rolling feeling. I have been having RAGING heartburn for pretty much the last 2 weeks straight, just about every day. I gave up caffeine completely and I am really trying to watch what I eat. But to date, there is not one certain thing or type of food that triggers it. Tums and I are now best friends.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
18 week- Belly
So bear with me, I am not happy with these pictures and I have not wanted to put these up, but I know I will regret not having them just because they are un-flattering.

My belly is certainly growing, and getting hard. I have been feeling some movement a little, but I am not yet feeling pokes or kicks. It really just feels like a rolling feeling. I have been having RAGING heartburn for pretty much the last 2 weeks straight, just about every day. I gave up caffeine completely and I am really trying to watch what I eat. But to date, there is not one certain thing or type of food that triggers it. Tums and I are now best friends.
My belly is certainly growing, and getting hard. I have been feeling some movement a little, but I am not yet feeling pokes or kicks. It really just feels like a rolling feeling. I have been having RAGING heartburn for pretty much the last 2 weeks straight, just about every day. I gave up caffeine completely and I am really trying to watch what I eat. But to date, there is not one certain thing or type of food that triggers it. Tums and I are now best friends.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Week 18- Sweet Potato

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon. am I a freak because I do not think that sweet potato is cute AT ALL...even though they are comparing our baby to it?!
Also-forgot a belly pic this weekend, so I will have DH take one tonight and I will get it up either tonight or tomorrow.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My DH is so cute!
So my DH is your typical Man's man. He is not one to get all gushy and anxious, even about the babe. He doesn't blush or giggle like I do when we hear the heartbeat, and is not couting down to the big ultrasound. That's why I find this soooo cute.
Yesterday was the "guys" bowling night. Ryan strolls in about 10ish, and of course, because I am pregnant, I am asleep. He comes up to bed and whispers..."are you asleep?" (which instantly annoys me, because obviously I am asleep thats why the dogs are sleeping and all the lights are off. If you did not think I was asleep, why are you whispering?!?!) Anyway, he crawls in and we both are falling asleep. Then his phone goes off, with the volume on like Maximum and I'm pretty sure the windows rattled. Dogs go crazy, I jump, Ryan rolls over at the speed of light to shut it off. About 2 mins go by, and my phone starts ringing. (Which made me nervous because anyone who called him, then me, something serious is up)
It is DH's brother. So I answer and he goes "did you guys ever find out if it is a boy or girl?" I tell him that we have to wait 2 more weeks but we will know. Then I questioned the random-ness of said question at 10:11 at night. He says.....
"Well Ryan let all of us hear the heartbeat on his phone and we were wondering!"
That's right, my DH showed all the "men" in his bowling league, our babies heartbeat, which is recorded on his cell phone. LOL. I think that is bragging at its finest already. Love him!
Yesterday was the "guys" bowling night. Ryan strolls in about 10ish, and of course, because I am pregnant, I am asleep. He comes up to bed and whispers..."are you asleep?" (which instantly annoys me, because obviously I am asleep thats why the dogs are sleeping and all the lights are off. If you did not think I was asleep, why are you whispering?!?!) Anyway, he crawls in and we both are falling asleep. Then his phone goes off, with the volume on like Maximum and I'm pretty sure the windows rattled. Dogs go crazy, I jump, Ryan rolls over at the speed of light to shut it off. About 2 mins go by, and my phone starts ringing. (Which made me nervous because anyone who called him, then me, something serious is up)
It is DH's brother. So I answer and he goes "did you guys ever find out if it is a boy or girl?" I tell him that we have to wait 2 more weeks but we will know. Then I questioned the random-ness of said question at 10:11 at night. He says.....
"Well Ryan let all of us hear the heartbeat on his phone and we were wondering!"
That's right, my DH showed all the "men" in his bowling league, our babies heartbeat, which is recorded on his cell phone. LOL. I think that is bragging at its finest already. Love him!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Checkup yesterday
DH and I had another check-up yesterday. All went well, we met the NP in our office, Judy who is SOOOO nice. Much better than BN. They did my urine sample and weight (wewt, finally gained a pound. Just one, but still it's about time I quit losing...God, never thought I would say that!!) and Blood pressure, which was good. At the last appointment it was a bit high, so the decrease was good.
We got to hear the heartbeat again, she took it twice. The first time it was LOUD and just beating away. Both the nurse and I were like...WOW, that babe is happy!! She also let me record it on my cellphone. She said it was good and strong, and when I asked the speed, she said around 150's. Then she took it again to get th exact number for the chart and it was 162. So about the same as last time. It was funny though, because when she went back to take the 2nd one, the babe wouldn't sit still to get another clear and loud reading. She kept having to chase him/her around with the wand to hear it long enough. Finally got it though.
15 Days until the BIG ultrasound! We will finally know if we are Team Blue, or Team Pink!
We got to hear the heartbeat again, she took it twice. The first time it was LOUD and just beating away. Both the nurse and I were like...WOW, that babe is happy!! She also let me record it on my cellphone. She said it was good and strong, and when I asked the speed, she said around 150's. Then she took it again to get th exact number for the chart and it was 162. So about the same as last time. It was funny though, because when she went back to take the 2nd one, the babe wouldn't sit still to get another clear and loud reading. She kept having to chase him/her around with the wand to hear it long enough. Finally got it though.
15 Days until the BIG ultrasound! We will finally know if we are Team Blue, or Team Pink!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Week 17- Belly
GAH! Big difference in the last week. Granted I did take mine this week after eating ( I almost forgot all together) so I do not think I can credit the baby for the whole belly change, but we shall see. According to our pregnancy book, baby doubled their weight last week, which explains the need to eat my husband out of house and home. I could NOT get enough this week. I am definitely not able to eat like I used to, basically really small portions about 5-6 times a day. I still canNOT get enough fruit. I love it!! Another thing this week, fruit loops and lucky charms cereal. YUM! Baby is definitely getting his/her fair share of calcium.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Week 17- Onion
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
I found this little tid-bit today and thought I would add that in there. I will have to remember to keep getting these each week.
16 weeks
Today, I am 16w4d and I feel the best I have felt in a long time. I am sure the baby is going through his/her first growth spurt, because I have been really sore and experiencing a lot of pressure/movement in that general location. I did have one round of violent "morning" sickness (yeah right, if only it did magically shut off at noon) yesterday night, but I really only ever have that when baby does not agree with something I ate or I get way to full, which I think is what happened last night. At least it better be because I do not think Ryan will be able to face the fact that our baby may not like BBQ ribs =)

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Our favorite baby things!
So I wanted to share some of the things that Ryan and I have picked up already for the babe. Of course we have a smattering of green and yellow outfits, diapers, bottles and liners, etc etc. However these are some of the big things that we have, and just adore.

Chicco Cubes Carseat

Our lifetime convertible crib...Goes from crib, to toddler bed, to full size bed.

Matching dresser

And our glider, however ours is not this color. It is a VERY pale sage green color.

Chicco Cubes Carseat

Our lifetime convertible crib...Goes from crib, to toddler bed, to full size bed.

Matching dresser

And our glider, however ours is not this color. It is a VERY pale sage green color.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I am carrying a party animal in my Ute.
Feel loved…you are getting 2 posts today! YAY! So I felt the baby for the first time this week, and I feel that it warrants its own post. I felt nugget for the first time on Wed. night right before bed. It was rather entertaining as I had just been venting my face off to a friend (and my hairdresser) about how everyone is asking if I feel it yet…and nada. And then right as I’m getting toasty comfortable in bed..twa-laa. The best way I can describe it is like a wooshing in your ute. It really isn’t fluttering to me, its like bubbling kinda. But I love it! I love feeling it! Then on Thursday was in there wooshing away all morning, and then…nada all day.
This morning, I woke up and my hips are swore. And there is a party, that I was not invited to, happening in my vag. Hello in there? HELLO? Think you could tone it down a bit buster and not make mama feel as if her tummy is flying all over the place as you push it outaa the way to get your grove on?!?! Hear me? This is mama layin down the law!! If you are gunna throw a party….at least invite me! ( I know this is impossible…but you know what I mean)
This morning, I woke up and my hips are swore. And there is a party, that I was not invited to, happening in my vag. Hello in there? HELLO? Think you could tone it down a bit buster and not make mama feel as if her tummy is flying all over the place as you push it outaa the way to get your grove on?!?! Hear me? This is mama layin down the law!! If you are gunna throw a party….at least invite me! ( I know this is impossible…but you know what I mean)
Frusterated Vent- Very Very Long Vent.
So right this second I am beyond frusterated with my Dr.’s office. And now, I am going to vent into the interwebs. At my last appointment, I went in to the Lab first and did my 1-hour GD test. Sipped the drink, watch my blood get sucked into multiple vials, asked to go to the restroom….went. Then I went over to the Dr. office, and checked in. So DearHusband and I get called back, and immediately bitchnurse starts on.
“Today we will be in room 23”
DH and I go into room 23
“Oh, well let me take your weight”
Me: “Oh again?”
BN: Yes, we will be doing this at every appointment.
So I get on the scale…yada yada.
BN: Okay, now you need to provide a urine sample.
Me: But I don’t have to go right now.
BN: Again, You will need to do this AT EVERY APPOINMENT (seriously, she was RUDE)
Me: Well I was just in the lab and they let me go there.
BN: You went to the lab again? What for?
Me: MaryBeth orderd my GD test.
BN: Why?
Me: Um…….???
BN then proceeds to declare that I will be required to pee before I leave the office, I ask for water and get like 2oz of water because the cooler needs changing.
So then, I’m frusterated because shouldn’t she know? We go back into the room and she wants to take my BP, however she chooses to do it right over the gauze where my blood was taken. So of course I flinch, and she goes “Oh, was that where they drew blood?” Me: “Yes” BN: Well you couldda said something! Me: thinking….Didn’t the gauze give it away? No?
BN finally leaves and Dr. comes in, besides giving me results to a test I didn’t want, and fluffing the results for a test I did want…he was pleasant. Explained I was not going to be required to pee that day, but going forward I will need to do so at every appt. Well that’s fine and dandy, but you might want to communicate with your Consult Nurse to convey that with every patient from day 1…not on appointment #4.
Fast forward 1 month…..I still have not heard back about my GD results. So I call the Dr. and wait….and wait and wait and wait…..23 mins I am on hold, and then the receptionist answers, I tell her I am calling for my results and she offers to connect me to the nurse. So I wait….and wait and wait and wait. 24 mins I wait for the damn nurse. All she says is that we will talk about it at my next appointment, which they would have done anyway and that’s why no one called me. But, they ARE in normal limits. YAY!! Thanks deuchface.
So…I believe I am switching Drs. At 16 weeks into the game. Thankfully there is one in the same network, that delivers at the same hospital, that is right around the corner from work..and comes VERY HIGHLY recommended around my office. (Which, with the alarming pregnancy rate around here…is pretty accurate info) I have my consult with them on 2/17.
“Today we will be in room 23”
DH and I go into room 23
“Oh, well let me take your weight”
Me: “Oh again?”
BN: Yes, we will be doing this at every appointment.
So I get on the scale…yada yada.
BN: Okay, now you need to provide a urine sample.
Me: But I don’t have to go right now.
BN: Again, You will need to do this AT EVERY APPOINMENT (seriously, she was RUDE)
Me: Well I was just in the lab and they let me go there.
BN: You went to the lab again? What for?
Me: MaryBeth orderd my GD test.
BN: Why?
Me: Um…….???
BN then proceeds to declare that I will be required to pee before I leave the office, I ask for water and get like 2oz of water because the cooler needs changing.
So then, I’m frusterated because shouldn’t she know? We go back into the room and she wants to take my BP, however she chooses to do it right over the gauze where my blood was taken. So of course I flinch, and she goes “Oh, was that where they drew blood?” Me: “Yes” BN: Well you couldda said something! Me: thinking….Didn’t the gauze give it away? No?
BN finally leaves and Dr. comes in, besides giving me results to a test I didn’t want, and fluffing the results for a test I did want…he was pleasant. Explained I was not going to be required to pee that day, but going forward I will need to do so at every appt. Well that’s fine and dandy, but you might want to communicate with your Consult Nurse to convey that with every patient from day 1…not on appointment #4.
Fast forward 1 month…..I still have not heard back about my GD results. So I call the Dr. and wait….and wait and wait and wait…..23 mins I am on hold, and then the receptionist answers, I tell her I am calling for my results and she offers to connect me to the nurse. So I wait….and wait and wait and wait. 24 mins I wait for the damn nurse. All she says is that we will talk about it at my next appointment, which they would have done anyway and that’s why no one called me. But, they ARE in normal limits. YAY!! Thanks deuchface.
So…I believe I am switching Drs. At 16 weeks into the game. Thankfully there is one in the same network, that delivers at the same hospital, that is right around the corner from work..and comes VERY HIGHLY recommended around my office. (Which, with the alarming pregnancy rate around here…is pretty accurate info) I have my consult with them on 2/17.
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