Like all bloggie awards, this one has rules.
1-Thank the giver!
**Tara- Thank you so much! First and foremost, a huge thank you for being a long-time reader (she has been with me from the get-go!!) and having faith in my little dude, and always motivating me forward!! You are always positive and your journey has helped in my own! Second, thanks for my first award ::blushes::
2-Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation & experience using 5 words..
Yikes, this one is hard! I am throwing the 5 word rule out the window.
**I blog because I know how important the blogs I follow are to me! Especially the weight loss blogs, seeing some of these girls press on every week is such a HUGE motivator! We are never alone!
**Prematurity and the life that comes with it. I am trying to debunk that 24week safety net, spread hope and educate. Differences are never a problem, something wrong, or something to be scared of!
**Random things that make me smile, mostly my boy
3-Pass it on to 10 other blogs that you know have real substance!
**Every Day Matters
**Tear and Mend
**When Hello Means Goodbye
**The Andersons
**Journey 2 Baby Peek
**Ruby Family
**Mama Laughlin
**Jen's little space
**And as always, I love me some Blair
Thanks again for reading, and for all the positive vibes whether they were prematurity or weight related. I LOVE and APPRECIATE my readers and all of the awesome support I have seen from the beginning. You guys are awesome!