It's like junior year all over again, and my blog is the freshman pizza face in my Biology class. I have been avoiding you. Well not you, persae, but my blog. I don't want to post because I don't want to admit that I fell. Hard.
Looking back, the 3 month mark is pretty typical for me. I have my old WW journals, and the closer I get to the end of the session, the honeymoon period wears off, the weight budges harder and I fall of the wagon. What ends up being a one night Burger King binge turns into a week(s) long free for all. And that has been what I have been dealing with.
I suddenly am struggling saying no to the drive-thrus, chocolate and soda. I haven't weighed in since AUGUST 27th, and have been hiding ever since. My bestie being home for the last month hasn't helped with all of the rum, girl's nights, rum and pizza. Oh and rum. I felt like my time with her was so limited I had to live it up while I could. Sadly, she is leaving for post on Wednesday. And while this breaks my heart, at least my waistline will be happy.
But here is what's different, I am owning it! I FELL! I FELL! And now, I am getting back up. I am sticking with my goal of 180 by Christmas, and now I may have to work a little bit harder, but I am going to get there. I need to diary again, and my BB is letting me know. Oh and my first 5k is in a little over 2 weeks. YIKES! Thankfully I have been running still, and while not well, I am still doing it at least.
Stephanie said it best this week. Life happened, and for me Life in terms of my weight is still a struggle, so it's learning to change the negative into a positive. a very healthy positive. I will weigh in on Wednesday, when I am not wearing Jeans to work. =P
You can do it . . you can do it! Not one of us is perfect girl and it's ok to slip and fall but now you gotta brush off your knees and run like the wind!!! You are on a mission, one that will not only make you feel better but knowing that you completed your mission is awesome too! Keep your head up k, see ya in a few days!
I think everybody has hit an end-of-summer slump. Just dust yourself off and get back on that horse! You will be at 180 in no time!
At least you're admitting it!! Everyone falls sometimes; there is always that chance to get right back up! Good luck; I know you can do it!!
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