Well our little guy is growing so big, he weighed in at 10lbs yesterday. I could hardly believe it! He is also doing really well, even though we are officially battling our first set of germs this week. He has his first double ear infection and cold. Poor little guy. We have moved on to 3month size clothing, and even into size 1 diapers. I thought we were never going to get out of newborns!!
Dawson still eats around the clock (in case you couldn't tell) with the exception of the 9 (or so) hour stretch that he sleeps at night. He is up to about 4oz or so at each feeding. We have also started Dawson on formula now. He is still getting frozen BM at each feeding, but we are slowly moving over. We have been able to keep his reflux under control with the prevacid, and he is doing well.
We had an eye exam today, and they think his vision was preserved with his last surgery. The left eye is doing very well and they expect full range of vision on that side, while the right eye does still have the fold. They do believe he will be able to keep his peripheral vision, but tunnel will be lost. At this point they do not believe that will cause any sort of handicap, however only time will tell.
At our 3mos adjusted, 7mos actual Dawson is able to hold his head up, even for long periods of time. Smile when stimulated. Coo. He likes to play with the rings, or anything he can stick in his mouth. We finally found a paci that works, Mams. He has also found both his fist and thumb, but has a preference for the fist. Still HATES tummy time, however mom has rediscovered her love for it as it promptly sends him into a deep sleep =].
All and all, we are doing wonderful. Life is truly blessed with our little man home. We could not be happier. Dawson coming into our lives taught us so much and blessed us abundantly, and for that we are thankful. Praise the Lord, for He truly works miracles.
7months actual, 3.5 months adjusted. 10lbs!
First night of cereal. Loved holding the spoon, hated cereal. That has been tucked away until next month.
First smile...or one of the first
Halloween morning

None to impressed with the pumpkin!

Halloween night!
With Ms. Sarah, his Day nurse from the word...He's here!
Thanks for the update! I think of you guys often :)
I love all the pictures- Dawson is such a cutie :)
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