Well Mr. Dawson has been home for 3 weeks now, and even though they have been a whirlwind, we are doing very well. He is amazing, still eating every 3 hours (2-3 oz, like a champ) but struggling pretty bad with nursing. We have went to see a few LC's, and we are still working on it, but man no one tells you exactly HOW HARD breastfeeding is. Everyone wants you to think you/baby are hardwired for it and it just comes natural..well let me tell ya, LIES! ALL LIES! There is wrestling and arm-pinning, and tounge thrusting and spitting, oh my. Right now, this jury thinks breastfeeding stinks. But we are going to keep at it and keep supplementing and see if he can get the hang of things. He also sleeps GREAT at night, 3-4 hour stretches and we are finally getting him used to sleeping in his pack and play...for now. My goal is to have him in his crib in his own room by the time I go back to work in 5 weeks, so we shall see. We have had a ton of follow up appointments, and at his last checkup he weighed 6lbs 7oz. His eye appointments have also been good, we have only seen a consultant here in the area so far, but he says everything is healing well and he sees the reattachment that we were hoping for. Fingers crossed the surgeon says the same thing in a week or two. We are also going for a hearing exam later this week, since D failed his screening at the hospital. We are not to worried though, since he responds positively to sound, and passed his super-secret-backroom-hearing test at our home unit a week after discharge.
So all in all, we are faring well, only I wish I could say the same for the state of our house. What a mess! We have also had some bad luck in the vehicle department. My husband, super-crash-mcgee got in TWO accidents last week. Everyone was fine (at both) just a few fender benders, but we are currently in the process of fighting with FORD because we believe the second accident was caused by some sensor malfunction in the airbag system. All in all, Ryan was approaching a vehicle at the stop sign, going approx 6mph, and his airbags deployed at full speed. Both airbags. Well needless to say, it scared the crap outta him and he hit the gas instead of the break. CRASH. We shall see what happens.
Now for the important part. PICTURES!

Last night sleeping in the NICU!

All bundled up and ready to go...doesn't he look like a UPS man? What can BROWN do for you!

We do a lot of couch snuggling!

First bath...so peaceful ;-p

D loves snuggling in the towels!!

Dawson, Mama, Grandma, Great Grandma, Great Great Grandma

Snuggling with Uncle Chad

Always on the go, and yes, that outfit matched if you could see the front =)

Awake and wigglin

Playin the in monkey manor

D doesn't appreciate the benefits of tummy time.

I can never get him with his head up, but he is getting soo good at it!
Oh my goodness! He is just soooo precious! I am so happy to see that you are all adjusting to life at home with your sweet baby boy! Dawson is so incredibly adorable! I will continue to pray for his health! Praise God things are looking good!
what a little blessing! looks like your first few weeks at home have been awesome... my husband is anxiously awaiting the days we can couch snuggle! :)
hang in there with the nursing. the little girl still fights me for the latching though- no advice there. when you get it figured out let me know!
he is absolutely, stunningly, cute!
Sara, I am impressed you are still nursing -- way to go! I remember when I nursed--after a few days, got instructions and found that I was doing everything wrong. Good luck--you are giving him an excellent start.
It has been so amazing to see you guys go from scared to death and wondering if D would make it, to HOME!!! and do so well.
You home will be a disaster for years to come. There were days on maternity leave that I was amazed if I was able to use the bathroom at least once or get any food for myself. I set myself up before DH would leave for work......snacks and 2 huge water bottles on the table next to rocker, remote control and cell phone in the magazine rack in reach, and laptop on the table next to the snacks. I had my own little set up.
Hang in there with the nursing. It is NOT easy. It is hard, can be stressful, and until they get the hang of it - a bit sensitive. It is good for D, but don't let it make ya crazy.......formula is not evil.
You are doing a fantastic job!
What a pumpkin!
he is precious Sara! miss you and want to meet mr. D. the new man of the house. I have been reading your facebook and blog and it really sounds like you are getting the full feel of a fresh at home newborn. by the time you get use to it he moves on to a new stage.
Hang in there with the BF! I have a 24 weeker who came home 10 days after his due date and it took us 6 weeks of working with a LC to get him to latch right and nurse. I just kept pumping and alternated nursing and bottle feeding and eventually he caught on! I ended up EBF for 10 months! It was all worth the struggle in the end!
Anxiously awaiting a Dawson update. Hope all is well with you and your family.
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