Dr. Ross was able to come back today and check up on D. There are a couple of updates.
1-The ROP laser surgery was a...SUCCESS! The blood vessels that were placing pressures on the retna have "dissolved"! PRAISE GOD!
2-However, they have now left behind some scar tissue that currently is just laying there, but can end up placing pressure there if it does not dissolve as well. If this happens, we will have to be transported...yet again, to Beaumont Hospital for yet another surgery. So again, I am begging for prayers. Please pray for our little guy that this issue corrects itself.
3-There is also a little blood that is pooling under the lens so she is going to continue D's eyedrops a little longer.
On the other side, D is tolerating his feedings better and they are hoping to be up to full feeds by this weekend. Which means we will then be able to get rid of his IV's and start introducing breastmilk back into the picture. This of course, all rides on D's attitude and toleration (is that a word??) of the current feeding plan. D..Do you hear mama?!?! Get it together!! We want you at home!!
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and prayers, and we only ask that you keep praying, for healing, for strength, and for patience!
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