Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thoughts and Prayers needed

Good Morning Readers,
Today I am reaching out to my awesome readers, not for myself but for a cyber-friend. I just read on one of the many forums I read, that another mom delivered her daughter last night at 24 weeks 3 days, Same as Dawson was when he was born. I am asking that if prayer is your thing, please pray for baby "J", ask that the Lord protect her and help her fight. Pray that the Dr's and nurses stay focused and do all they can to keep this little girl strong.

If prayer is not your thing that's okay, just please keep this family in your thoughts.

We are praying for you GC and family!


Nicole said...

Oh my gosh. Praying for the family. I hope that they remain strong and remain optimistic.

Ashley said...

Thoughts & prayers for them. Tis the season for miracles, I hope they get theirs.

Leesa said...

I heard about her and have been praying for baby J and their family. Have you heard anything else? Any updates on the baby? I will continue to pray for baby J.

Busted Kate said...

Prayers being said. Sending positive thoughts to baby J.